I guess they are ok, i tend to stay away from all drugs including prescription in the hope my immune system will be able to get me through the impending epidemic that will wipe out most of the population XD
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
In my opinion all drugs should be for personal use and police and goverment shouldnt care about people that use them
Until someone gets out of their house hallucinating and shoots you because they fear you as something else.
Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
In my opinion all drugs should be for personal use and police and goverment shouldnt care about people that use them

and how would you obtain these drugs, through illegal means of course, and endorsing personal use is endorsing drug trafficking
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
and how would you obtain these drugs, through illegal means of course, and endorsing personal use is endorsing drug trafficking

If they were legal, you could pick up from dispensaries. Defeats the drug industry for drugs because they're now sold legally, safely, and probably for cheaper than black market prices. Legalizing drugs would drop incarceration rates for minor drug crimes, and more taxpayer money could be allotted elsewhere other than prison cells.

I agree w/ Alastor. It's a well known fact that prisons have developed into a profitable business that is trying to be protected through special interests preventing certain drugs from being made legal.
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Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
If they were legal, you could pick up from dispensaries. Defeats the drug industry for drugs because they're now sold legally, safely, and probably for cheaper than black market prices. Legalizing drugs would drop incarceration rates for minor drug crimes, and more taxpayer money could be allotted elsewhere other than prison cells.

I agree w/ Alastor. It's a well known fact that prisons have developed into a profitable business that is trying to be protected through special interests preventing certain drugs from being made legal.

Also watch this,its pretty smart
hard one drop,
my humble opinion is that the organized crime requests crime,
if drugs were legal the crime would sell them cheaper, and the money they need for armory will be achieve by other types of crimes, like kidnap, or robery.
It would reduce carceration population even, but there would be more criminals on the street with heavy weapons ready to find a way to exploit the society with crime.

It is a complex question, you can base on countries that legalised drugs and see statistics of crimes.

I am not in favor of drugs as you can see.