Endurance Onslaught 6.0
keeping in mind that it is a perfectly fine head. The face idea is pretty cool too. But whatever, this is the stuff I might think about if i was being picky.

orange: my preference is to have straight lines on the sphere. At least if they run parallel for a while.

blue: squish the face in a bit. when viewed from straight on it gives a fat impression because everything is going ((( ))) the 1/4 view looks pretty cool though.

teal: there is a large area on the side where it is just straight metal. this could be used to connect the chin area and build in some shapes with the green area, or pop the face out a bit more.

magenta: idk what this is but... hmmm yea. its round, and your face is square.

yellow: some perspective weirdness, looks almost like its making the metal bend unnaturally.

green: Personally i would consider redoing this whole part just because it doesn't really fit with the rest of the head, it isn't giving me any sort of bulky machine feelings like the face and back.

Scratches, dents, dings, wear and tear: Personally I think they are overkill and too many people request things that they want "damaged." However they can add some charm if done right. and yours looks like someone took a grinder and cut little slices EVERYWHERE. Really you would have a higher chance of having dents in the corners of your metal where the metal would deform and reflect the light differently, rather than actually break, as you are simulating in some areas. (i can't explain this how i want to ) here's a picture. kinda

But overall, i would probably wear it. At least for a little while.
i disagree with chillz orange point, i think lines like that end up in the typical V shape too often.
i do agree with him on the pink circles and his perspective points.
perspective and angles are dangerous.

also agree that the head is perfectly fine.
the growth since your earlier werks is really significant.
really good job
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Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
keeping in mind that it is a perfectly fine head. The face idea is pretty cool too. But whatever, this is the stuff I might think about if i was being picky.

orange: my preference is to have straight lines on the sphere. At least if they run parallel for a while.

blue: squish the face in a bit. when viewed from straight on it gives a fat impression because everything is going ((( ))) the 1/4 view looks pretty cool though.

teal: there is a large area on the side where it is just straight metal. this could be used to connect the chin area and build in some shapes with the green area, or pop the face out a bit more.

magenta: idk what this is but... hmmm yea. its round, and your face is square.

yellow: some perspective weirdness, looks almost like its making the metal bend unnaturally.

green: Personally i would consider redoing this whole part just because it doesn't really fit with the rest of the head, it isn't giving me any sort of bulky machine feelings like the face and back.

Scratches, dents, dings, wear and tear: Personally I think they are overkill and too many people request things that they want "damaged." However they can add some charm if done right. and yours looks like someone took a grinder and cut little slices EVERYWHERE. Really you would have a higher chance of having dents in the corners of your metal where the metal would deform and reflect the light differently, rather than actually break, as you are simulating in some areas. (i can't explain this how i want to ) here's a picture. kinda

But overall, i would probably wear it. At least for a little while.

Alright! Thank you for the CnC. I'll keep everything in mind, it sure will help me to improve in the future.

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
i disagree with chillz orange point, i think lines like that end up in the typical V shape too often.
i do agree with him on the pink circles and his perspective points.
perspective and angles are dangerous.

also agree that the head is perfectly fine.
the growth since your earlier werks is really significant.
really good job

I'm really glad to hear that, BenD. Thank you!
taking art requests for USD
I made this for M.O.R. cnc please and thank you its my first head texture after about 2 months im trying to end my hiatus and start making heads again


I still take texture requests for usd

Using the same base model as my lizard character, but going a whole different way, going to make it sort of a dark-elfish character with sharp mechanical claw-like hands like this http://www.videogamesartwork.com/gam...i/fist-weapons this will also get rigged and posed, and I will do it properly this time, no rush
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 19, 2014 at 04:07 AM.
too much cake for breakfast.
tiny head, big torso even bigger legs, skinny arms.

dont think of the torso as a rectangle. think of it as an upside down triangle on top of a circle.
bring him stomach and sides in. you want to angle the ribs inwards almost.

with the calves, just chop the bottom/back out, athletes calves look like tennis balls.

with his arms, the shoulder muscle should be bigger and extend much further down his arm, youve drawn his lats extending to the same point where they actually fit under the shoulder muscle at the back.

arms in general need to be beefier and head could be bigger. all this guy does is work his core at the gym.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
ye the anatomy is just a lot of steps, I do something quick to shape it out, then I just gradually find mistakes and correct them all day and end up with something I'm satisfied with at the end, and hopefully learn some anatomy in the process. Thanks for the critique, you are helping a lot, haven't worked so much on the leg muscles yet, but will keep the calves in mind.

Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 19, 2014 at 03:46 PM.
lower the shoulders and stretch the neck up a bit, not quite as high as i sketched in though, top of the neck/back muscles line up nicely with the bottom of the chin
blue dot is where the ball joint is, more or less. with the way the arms are positioned now, youve got the joint somewhere in the middle of his pec. it sinks everything above the shoulder, into his neck when you raise the arms. positioning the joint higher up allows everything to stay where its meant to.
neck and back muscles need to be accounted for aswell.

vast improvement though, shape of the upper body is much better
and proportions between body and head look good.
still needs to hit the gym for those arms though.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 19, 2014 at 05:39 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
hmm I donno, your green-line suggestions seems very wrong to be honest. Neck I suppose can be slightly longer, but its a matter of inches. The bottom version is the newest, you can see the shoulders and armpit area slightly changed, and I think if I make the shoulders even wider than that it will end up looking stupid.
Last edited by Ezeth; Aug 19, 2014 at 07:11 PM.
lift your arm to that position and feel the muscle around the ball joint.

look at the image and consider how it would grow if that person hit the gym more. blunges outward, positioned outside of the joint
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