Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
Lol lets make Blacklist, i see Txwz there for sure xD, maybe
Zygqsadaczxas this guy etc ...

@Brucia: don't put Hxc on it even if i know you would.
Long gone
lol i neither want a black list:d
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u dont need to be too harsh and creat a black list... maybe a brown list xD
Last edited by Ferrock; Jan 28, 2011 at 11:49 PM.
[JollyR] [GATA]
Do you do exceptions?

I want to join but I am only second dan.
Last edited by qoOlolOop; Jan 29, 2011 at 12:22 AM.
hey guys! im glad im here again, but its not for a long time - exams, exams...
anyway, i want to say that the app i saw here (im talking about devil1337) is realy good. hope his ingame skills are as good as his app and way to talk\type.
so, what i want to say? first of all, we can make exceptions. but do we need to? we have enough "exceptions" like me, kasz, erth, ferr, drop. i think its more than enough. but if devil1337 is realy epic and have special skills - ofc we can accept them.
my opinion is that we have to stop making exceptions. right now or after we let him join us or our "academy".
thx for attention.
At first, State you readed the rules and you accept all of them.: Aware.
State what mods you can play. Aikido, Judo, lenshu.
State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan). Custom Belt.
State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger. I admire this clan, very well organized, old players and active.
State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. No-Mercy
State why u left that clan. I was inactive for three months, but it was not only that the reason, so I decided to leave.
State if you had any earlier accounts. None, i always had this account.
State past infractions/bans. I have some infractions, useless bump xD
State your timezone. GMT - 2
State your age. 20
Forum activity. I like the market, Art/Text, UBPT organization.
Vouchers (The guy who invited you). AJ asked, if I would like to participate.
Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that). hm... I like making textures, sets etc. but I do simple textures. 'm beginner.
And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know.

In my real life, i am a fun person , live in Brazil, i like Raves, LSD, women, Downhill Bike, law school course etc.

I have something to say, my english is bad, I have to translate, think this is a big problem, but if they can accept me, I will be grateful ^^. Thanks for attention.

Some replays.
Attached Files
Judo.rpl (29.9 KB, 5 views)
Akido1.rpl (74.0 KB, 6 views)
Aikido2.rpl (54.9 KB, 5 views)
Aikido3.rpl (55.3 KB, 5 views)
Aikido4.rpl (57.9 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by PsyT; Feb 3, 2011 at 03:45 AM.

He likes LSD, A friend of my friend is my friend?
Would like to play you as well
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Originally Posted by PsyTrance View Post

i like Raves, LSD, women

+1 from me only for this(even if i don't love psytrance,but prefer faster electronic music):P
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