I'm joining OfUnknown and Plenty of other reason why. So this is not officially yet. I'll think. I do i'll post . If I won't i'll post too.
Can't Touch This
Originally Posted by dentian View Post
hmm people think this clan diffrently think other clans it seems.
We are just an normal clan thats getting revived.
Like an normal clan we have ranks.
I think people are taking the ranks to hard because we don't have many ranks.


can i suggest them? well i know that u said no the last time i said it but i would like to ask if u would try to think of it again,
Element:Light(right under fire)
Element: Dark(right under co-leaders)
No way Dark and light most be the same level Element.

Anyway Dark and light is now the coleader elements.


Alikambe10 ,TehNoob Or Sampandora
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
You know why people (like me) are getting promoted easily? Because we fuckin' rock.
Deal with it.
Im sure other clans won't accept you ( you and your 1 post and your 1 month life).

Seriously? My Main Accounts Banned..And Me A Low Life? You Rock? Both Things You Got Wrong 1.Many Clans Have Invited Me Already 2.1 Post Because I Made This Account Because SENFLOW Is Banned..3.If I Was In The Clan Id Kick Your Ass Out Right NowSorrah For Teh Invade~Senflow/Vampex
Originally Posted by Vampex View Post
Seriously? My Main Accounts Banned..And Me A Low Life? You Rock? Both Things You Got Wrong 1.Many Clans Have Invited Me Already 2.1 Post Because I Made This Account Because SENFLOW Is Banned..3.If I Was In The Clan Id Kick Your Ass Out Right NowSorrah For Teh Invade~Senflow/Vampex

Okay dude, first off, use some fuckin' grammar. Seriously, it couldn't hurt.
Let me rephrase my statement I made earlier, what I meant to say was no REAL clans would accept you. You would kick my ass out? I highly doubt that.
Main account banned? Proves your an asshole of some kind.
Sorrah For Teh Invade? How about you just keep the fuck out of here?

There, just destroyed your post.

Hey Element Members!

I have some bad news. Your favourite team member has to go somewhere over the week ends. Maybe I'll be coming back Sunday morning or Afternoon depends on my parents. We are visiting my house at Malaysia if you all know where that is. There isn't internet there so I can't access Toribash:Multiplayer. I'll be practicing on my Judo, Wushu and other mods to master them.

So till then cya

~T-Kai over
Can't Touch This
O ok D: Cya agian hope u come back quick
Master Space Dragon of Element

Some textures my result in a loss of quality when resized(if they do i will put APPLY in the post with the texture)

Check my Texture shop

Like my Avatar? you can request avatars like that from my shop!