Originally Posted by Noel View Post
Name:Noel James (Now you people know my last name)
Belt (black belt):10thdan ( almost custom)
Why you want to join us? Well i have been around when metal got started and when it have gotten offical and it seems know alot of people and they are all fine to talk to (not all of them but most of them and yes even you rythem even thought you hate me
Your favorite mods: Ninjutsu,abd,r-mma,aikido, other no grab or challangeing grab mods
Their infractions / ban (please be honest):One because i was in a betting room with a decap prize i decaped a person he said and i qoute '' we rigged'' it like a nooob got me banned for 1 day even though i didnt do it ect
Nationality: Indian well i was born in south india but i was raised in america and don't even call me american indian
How many languages ​​you speak:3 hindi,Malayam and english
Special skills: (market, art, events) i am good at events and art i will post some art soon
Have previous clans? whom and why leave?: (SaV) the family broke up it died randomly with lazers
Their level of activity in the forum and in game: 7-10 in forums 8-10 ingame i have no idea what the meaning of life means
How long you play toribash: i was a player in 2007 to 2010 then i quit i made noel12344 got a name change to this
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Alts: private
Was invited by someone? julaino, juliano and i think his name was juliano
Read the rules? Yes
A small bibliography: i have no idea what it means
Your user card:
How you can help us? I can help with clan wars and get some activity, and bring some humor into this dark void . and here is something kratos might do


Oh almost forgot

Good app, and you are decent, btw.
Last edited by Dragon; Nov 16, 2013 at 07:21 PM.
I suck.