Originally Posted by NinoRossii View Post
Past Clans:Infected,Nut,TPC,Crack,Tlod
Modes your good at:wushu,acrojousting,boxing
Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..):none but learning
Player Card:
About yourself:i live in finland and i'm learning to make replays and chilling on forums i check forum everyday...
Why you want to join [eVo] (Don't just say "because i want to" or something in that area, give a GOOD detailed reason or it will be ignored):because i want to learn from the best how to do thinks like replays and Textures and ToriMovies

Here are few of my replay making trys they all suck...

Past Clans:Bleu
Modes your good at:wushu, aikido
Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..):video making
Player Card:
About yourself:ok my real name is jason, age 12, grade 6th
Why you want to join [eVo] (Don't just say "because i want to" or something in that area, give a GOOD detailed reason or it will be ignored):I want to add me and greatness skill mod I in wushu and reproduce a friend
Originally Posted by GraveWolf View Post
Past Clans:Bleu
Modes your good at:wushu, aikido
Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..):video making
Player Card:
About yourself:ok my real name is jason, age 12, grade 6th
Why you want to join [eVo] (Don't just say "because i want to" or something in that area, give a GOOD detailed reason or it will be ignored):I want to add me and greatness skill mod I in wushu and reproduce a friend

evo just got r1 and already got spammed by naab apps ;p

sup? ;p
just passin by ;p
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
Originally Posted by snake View Post
evo just got r1 and already got spammed by naab apps ;p

sup? ;p
just passin by ;p

Already got spammed by nub apps This is nothing new, but I must say it usually makes my day by having something to always laugh at.
Originally Posted by nodarkness View Post
name: nodarkness
belt: green
reason: i want to kick some axx

look at some earlier posts and you will find the answer you seek

OG of TB
A man of few words
Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
Name: iMOD3RN15
Age: 18
Belt: Custom
Past Clans: Fr3styL,DAT,JollyR
Modes your good at: All mods, but my favorite is aikido.
Other Skills (Art, Video making, etc..): I have some old vids on youtube and i'm good at enforcing forum rules.
GMT: -4
Player Card:
About yourself: I have been playing toribash for over 3 years and enjoy playing with new people and being challenged to play hard. I play basketball, work part time at a local gamestop, play xbox live and love to party at the local colleges.
Why you want to join [eVo] (Don't just say "because i want to" or something in that area, give a GOOD detailed reason or it will be ignored): I have known most of the members of this clan for over 2 years and have enjoyed the competition we all give each other. eVo is full of mature member who don't spam and mind their own business i find this to be a mature clan, but you all know how to have a good time (get high). All in all i think i would make a great and skilled addition to the clan and i could start hosting tournaments which would just help the clan's rep.

Damn my app already got buried by noob apps..
I N C R E D I B L E H !