Originally Posted by Chazer View Post
Haha lol! That you even thought about that possibility, great man =D

People who knows me should know that tb and obey is more for me then just numbers <3

Gotcha hard in tha a$$ fo sho ya April is just fun for me every freaking year... i could tell ya stories.

So to make things clear, hell i dont quit tb as long as the servers will run, and double hell i dont want to quit Obey fo sho.

Where is my Medal now ;P

You.... Are.... God of April. 0_o
Originally Posted by Tyzo View Post
What a fuckin fan boy.

Doesn't that fall under impersonation? I'm pretty sure it's the same situation as the guy who made the Swexxelite acc after he got the name change.
PM me with any and all questions
Haunter weren't you supposed to make me a set a while ago >:L
Even in dark times, we cannot relinquish the things that make us human.
It seem that you have a lot of free time, chazer
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit