Same here

I don't really see many MAS players often, and the ones I do are always going against other top players. People also hate my defense x)
I understand having irl over a game, and I'd prefer you all focused on progressing your career rather than playing a game. But we still need a game or two from you guys every month. Normally I wouldn't care at all, but the new clan system doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon and having you guys play just a game or two a month will make the danger of becoming unofficial a lot less scary. It doesn't have to be sparring or mas, it could just as easily be some stupid mod that you dick around on for ten minutes. I'll be doing the same tonight, just so we can get the points we need for this month
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Originally Posted by Zibril View Post
i did 2 wars.
1-1 state right now. Gonna do more wars soon.

great job dude! Let's form a warring team >:O

@everyone: since you guys just can't find the motivation to play, what about we make the hangout at times, throughout the month?

some games will be played and we keep activity by ourselves, also enjoying each other etc. Might be fun

now about those hangouts and warring I am available from this very time I am posting this until 4 hours from now

edit: also we dont have co leader
Last edited by Lionet; Oct 2, 2018 at 05:36 PM.
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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mhmh sure, playing few games a month shouldn't be a problem. idk about the hangout, maybe if we can get a day when most of us can get on? sunday for example?

also, i just went to do some running with my friend. this fucker made me run 10 miles non-stop when i haven't been doing any real physical activity for the last 4-5 months and its also raining...a fucking lot.

on the other hand, as i got into reading books recently i may suggest having a thread to share books that you read and recommend whatever you liked. if you guys read books ofc.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
on the other hand, as i got into reading books recently i may suggest having a thread to share books that you read and recommend whatever you liked. if you guys read books ofc.

I like this idea though I'm not sure if this would work

I approve at least trying it, what do you other guys think?
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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