Originally Posted by TheWolff View Post
Well this is somewhat true, how do you know they will be active in the clan? How do you know they will post based on their history? Also, if you reject them, they will learn what they should do before they apply again to another clan. Remember rejection is never the end.

However, in my opinion... I would say for you to just give them a trial, see how they do. If they are good, re-evaluate their app again. If they do bad, then you explain to them what they did wrong and show them what they should have done better.

We already do this, we have trial members.
It's explained the in the first post.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Lol, ninja'd by a shitloads.

I haven't sparred anyone.
It's been too long.
I'll start sparring tonight, or tomorrow.
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
You can't judge solely by post count.

You absolutely can. Granted it's not a very good way of deciding, but it's up to you who you let in your clan. The rule is, 'do not mention post counts'

It's only a problem when people spam because they think a high post count is a free ticket into any clan. Then from the clan's point of view, if a clan accepts anyone just because they have a high post count without actually knowing that person, it's sure to end in chaos. After that you end up with clans that think they can resuscitate themselves by spamming. Never works.
Umg, Fish is a penguin.
Hi, Fish.
Nice of you to visit our DSC.

Me and DemonBurn(afk) are in a server atm.
Feel free to join in and watch us.
I doubt it will be entertaining, sadly.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
You absolutely can. Granted it's not a very good way of deciding, but it's up to you who you let in your clan. The rule is, 'do not mention post counts'

It's only a problem when people spam because they think a high post count is a free ticket into any clan. Then from the clan's point of view, if a clan accepts anyone just because they have a high post count without actually knowing that person, it's sure to end in chaos. After that you end up with clans that think they can resuscitate themselves by spamming. Never works.

Well, I suppose you put it in better words than I could.
I personally don't like judging by post count per se, but It can be nice to let you have some insight on forum activity. If that forum activity is good or not requires you to look around and try to find their recent posts, which is time consuming at the least.
Knew the rule was something along those lines...

Also, hi Fish.
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Oct 12, 2012 at 05:07 AM.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by InfernoXZ View Post
We already do this, we have trial members.
It's explained the in the first post.

Damn I thought I was going to be inspirational :<.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
im probably getting off for the night, im bored with tb :L
<~[i]Assazin> I'm 12 years old
<~[i]Assazin> My butt is underdeveloped
<~[i]Assazin> ok ok
<~[i]Assazin> I'm actually 9
<Click>Patrickooo Acting His Age<Click>
Yeah, im bored of tb too man, i dont even play it anymore, just turn it on for a few mins to talk with ethr members in a ethr lobbeh.

Oh, and you shouldnt be suprised if the "important people" are stalking this dsc, because ethr applied for offical.

Capitan smartass for the win \o/
Ok so yea, wasnt on yesterday night was too busy getting really drunk, but anywho my low post count is due to having no reason to post, most of my post wer in clan forums that i was in or aplications or just mainly helping ppl out at the help forums. U guys dont have to accept me though... ill just request for single allie

Edit: I also forgot to say my timezone is a bit off cuz when im online most ppl in the forums aint, im on central african time almost when im out grooving and getting fuked up (pardon me for the language) u guys are waking up and playing some toribash xD
Last edited by Minguito; Oct 12, 2012 at 01:02 PM. Reason: Forgot to write somthing *derp
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You

epic halo matches with a7x earlier today, he raped me with snipers and rockets and grenades (pretty much everything). so much fun. so i'm thinkin we should have an epic halo 1 match. or several.

so, download it pl0x.