Origin has a subrank called the last legion
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
^ saw that
actually it was edited february 22nd of this year. So it isn't recent, but if you check the rules it says it excludes clan boards so \o/

So you lurk the origin clan board?
how low the fuck are you
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
So you lurk the origin clan board?
how low the fuck are you

Reminder that you were in Origin.
Last edited by Rfifan; May 26, 2016 at 02:01 AM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
someone buy me overwatch
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/