Velair Application
Hai.Im a 15 Year Old Guy in highschool Im smartest in science and physics being my favorite.Im not new to this game ive played for 3 years just got to many alts but altogether I have over 1 mil ingame battles.Im not very active currently due to internet problems and at my house there is no internet. Im japanese and jamican(weird mix worked though).I would like to be in this clan because i would like a solid clan with good member and and smart people. I speak japanese,russian,korean and english. I can help translate and send text to other languages but if Im not excepted I respect you reason no matter what.

Gewd Day, Velair~
damn im gettin old
wait listen im in a clan because im not sure if im gonna be accepted would you like me top quit i would but seriously
damn im gettin old
thats mean that you are in clan just for cool tag, so gtfo

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion