To be honest, I didn't even really try on that one (hence that terrible hacked wall-run and clunkiness xD). You should've reviewed the other one above, "vada retro me satana". I actually tried my best there lol. But, thank you still for taking a look and giving a detailed critique. I'll try my best to keep your advice in mind as I'm making my next replay.
lionet invited me to come post on this board too

i really like this parkour replay so far curie
that first jump to vault is very smooth but the second one is a bit clunky i think
but then the trick makes it really nice again it could be epic if you can roll under the moving beam with a roll from the trick.

this is the spar i was doing while lionet invited me to post here, i tried to be creative
Attached Files
leonek heroman spar 1.rpl (1.32 MB, 7 views)
ah, i see lol. thank you, that vault was pretty clunked. i'll fix it later when i'm working on it <3.

just watched that spar between you two, i really loved that tackle and the other grappling things you did. it's pretty rare to see those honestly, so seeing them performed well is nice to see . overall, the replay is pretty gud, but some of the grappling is a bit clunky (but it's in a cooperative spar, so i'll cut you some slack <3)
Curie: This was the smoothest replay I've seen from you so far. Your jump was really really REALLY gentle/light/weightless and the whole running was smooth. Only hitting the wall with your head bugs me a bit :-S
otherwise it's looking godlike my dude

lionet invited me to come post on this board too

yes I did. Feel free to chat with us in #Vector Party as well, and make sure to post replays more often.
this is the spar i was doing while lionet invited me to post here, i tried to be creative

oh boy, les go

without going too deep into details (unless you want to, then I will pinpoint each move you did), the whole thing felt amazing to watch. You are very consistent and your style is clean, you rarely do unnecessary joint movements and the most exceptional thing is how you are patient and wait until it's the right moment to act.

The first kick/throw thing was awesome and Leon reacted very well.
Second kick around frame 1000 could've been better, you landed in a weird position precluding you to fight. Leon should've been more patient there actually, you landing would still work fine but he would happen to look dumb and made an okay decision to tackle you, and you also reacted VERY WELL to this decision of his.
That punching thing you did around frame 600 was pretty neat too, loved it
KO (?) was wtf
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

o-o you really are cnc forum master xD

not sure if im only meant to say one at a time, but here's two tricking wips
Attached Files
[hero] tricking replay 1.rpl (628.1 KB, 6 views)
[hero] tricking replay 2.rpl (610.8 KB, 7 views)
already checked on these with kuro, and we discussed a lot about your performance

tricking1: something that makes this replay blessed is it being tf 1, like dude seriously what the fuck how can you be so clean in tf 1? You barely twitch so to speak, because you dont even twitch

anyways, let's go for the replay analysis

opener was clean and you set it up pretty elegantly.
I absolutely loved this kick, most trickers would keep the insane spin power you got and do a back kick with the other leg, but I firmly believe that your is way cooler. Nonetheless, the kick itself is really slow and I don't see you really fixing it due to toribash physics in general, you just can't generate power with your chest/pecs because it only pushes your kicking leg back and it was always extended in the first place so the power won't generate power by itself. PLUS this is the only moment I see you messing up your form with your abs work, which I absolutely hate to watch YET I FEEL YOU MY FRIEND, I do this all the time too ;^)

back when I was discussing with kuro we tried to fix it or something. I'll attach my version of it but I still prefers yours

After this kick everything is absolutely awesome and really polished. Speed and smoothness are on point. And I want to highlight your supporting arm usage in that scoot, it's amazing how it flows perfectly
cork that never happened is looking clean as fuck too

tricking2: this is some different stuff but still very neat nonetheless. In this one you twitch a bit more though

opener launch was huge, this crazy trick was made with no efforts which is amazing. Next transition/trick could've been better and I definitely see you improving it, your landing position is absolutely BEAUTIFUL and made things a lot easier for you and you could've done this next trick without enforcing your launching leg so much with this sudden extend
anyways, this is a tiny detail and doesn't affect your replay at all. Next trick was still beautiful

it's also eyecandy to see how cold calculated your launches are, always letting you in a comfortable distance in relation to the floor and your patience and care waiting until you are closer to the ground to start setting the next trick/transition

great job my man, I look up to you

in short your style is pretty standard but very well executed. Some say my replays looks like yours (in theory) but your execution is far better than mine, at least when it comes to tricking
@Curie: I'll be dropping two possibilities of our collab here, you can pick whatever replays makes you more comfortable with, and if none of them are good enough just hit me up so I do something different and you're free to edit by yourself too.

my run is still retarded but this was the best I got :b
Attached Files
kuro is my husband kbye.rpl (316.4 KB, 3 views)
collab parku.rpl (381.8 KB, 4 views)
collab parku2.rpl (381.9 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Lionet; Jan 3, 2019 at 12:52 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

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spar with deni

also collab with victor (not sure about the rpl and tori name yet)
Attached Files
sparring denilumi v2.rpl (562.5 KB, 4 views)
A Bizarre Adventure.rpl (761.6 KB, 5 views)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

the spar is very nice with good movement, but it very short and a bit slow unlucky you guys landed on eachother xD the way both you guys get back on your feet is the best parts :P

the collab is really good o-o the opener starts a bit weird and slow, but the manip is really really nice and then big booms very nice

we should do a collab or spar soon too

here is a sneak view of a new replay (the tricks i might skip)
and me scoring on guzzy when he dont expect it
Attached Files
[hero] moonwalk.rpl (252.1 KB, 13 views)
guzzy handball 6.rpl (599.2 KB, 9 views)
I gotta say that this moonwalk is going amazing, but honestly looks like it can be improved even though I have no idea how.
but listen, the very first "moonstep" you did was the best one, next ones even though they do look like the moonwalk technic they don't look like an actually moonwalk if you know what im saying. It's as clear as water that this is a moonwalk, but doesn't necessarily mean it looks like you're doing a reverse walk, that's the tricky part of being in toribash world

Also amazing trick against Guzzy over there, respect +10
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!