I like the intro Fleshy,but its kind of long, maybe have it be 5-10 seconds. Just a friendly suggestion.

Ok so I have a short story, and I mean short.

So one day I was eating lunch, just talking to people normally and then this weird kid comes out of no where and puts his hand on my shoulder. I turn around and its one of my "friends" from my 6th grade bus. He stares into my eyes and says.....,"want some noodles" and walks away.

Best story...not.
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
Back, ....
Barcelona was GREAT!
Was missing you al heavily though. Good to be home at them forums
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Where have you been? I've been living in BCN for a while, would've been nice to meet you Hazle D: I could've showed you the tattoo I did.