Application greatkali
My real name is David and I live in the US. I am 16 years old and I am currently enrolled in highschool. I am a straight A student and have a great understanding of math. I am really active in the forums and sometimes on IRC. I tend to mostly look around in the gaming section and the market section. I have a steam account and love to play a multitude of games like minecraft, css, tf2, etc. Toribash being on of my favorite games. I've been playing for quite some time and my belt is a 4th dan. Some of my favorite mods are aikido and wushu. I like sparring as well but I am not too good at it but I have been getting better at it slowly but surely. I tend to like betting servers a lot but I mostly just play with friends. I am great guy to talk to I have a mic and I am on almost every day. I have ventrilo, teamspeak, msn, steam, skype. So I am available in a lot of different ways. I hope I can be given a chance to be part of this clan and also hope to make some new friends here.
#1 Student in the School of Orkology
Orko|Rob9722|Festus|MRootz|UNDEAD21|Deadlybash|Kun amikaii|
Декс, который в шарксах?

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
273 post isnt very active. But that's not the reason of rejection.
I dont need weed to get you high.
Привет всем!
Насколько хорошо нужно играть чтоб к вам попасть? Кто меня может протестить?
Ого! Поледний пост мереса неделю назад!
Last edited by SacredWarrior; Apr 8, 2012 at 10:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Frostmourne bloodthirsty!