Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
The first person to come to me with a fully self compiled linux kernal shall get my love.
So not many people shall get my love.

I want your love senpai

But instead of the linux kernal can I rewrite the bible from the original Hebrew by hand using a balloon animal for a pen and my own blood for ink? That would be just a whole lot easier
Reckless is just FC but slightly better.~ Coine, 08/11/2016
Originally Posted by Sloth View Post
I want your love senpai

But instead of the linux kernal can I rewrite the bible from the original Hebrew by hand using a balloon animal for a pen and my own blood for ink? That would be just a whole lot easier

Pretty sure I stated my requirements quite clearly :u

Also I've only been banned once lol
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I got banned once for Farming.

At the time I thought it was a great idea, to let a friend of mine win with a 10k booster.

We split the tc, but didn't last long cause we got banned by Slip-anc later on.
I like the color Green
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Fucking rkt m8
I was perma-banned by hampa :')

I got banned for calling kyure what he is...a faggot. And got perma off that ban for trying to get him hacked. I mean I would never do that... I would do it myself

Originally Posted by Sloth View Post
I want your love senpai

But instead of the linux kernal can I rewrite the bible from the original Hebrew by hand using a balloon animal for a pen and my own blood for ink? That would be just a whole lot easier

Weeb problems
I got banned for 1 day because I tried to login to login_to_this_account_if_you_want_to_be_banned or something like that.

Beat that
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Originally Posted by Rawh View Post
Uhm, why would I lie though, what am I going to achieve by lying.

It was a joke