Originally Posted by kameron View Post

Also, how's everyone feeling this shitty day?

Yes very shitty. Got surgery in 1 hour and not happy 1 bit.

Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
Hey, Sorry I haven't posted in awhile been slighty busy and such hopfulyl recording a new song soon <3

~ Good to see you back on the [Extreme] Team Toon. Things are sorted I suppose?

Surgery is fun.
Cause kitten owner, thus immune to pain. Cause Ted (my kitten) attacks my hands/arms/feet/face everyday.

Such an evil kitteh, but he so cute, with his little :3 face
Unless you eat curry. Then it's impossible to fart without feeling pain. It's even impossible to take a shit without feeling pain when you've eaten curry >_<
so what is going on with the belt ranking system i have been kickin ass and not going anywhere
hold me closer tiny dancer
This convo escalated very very quickly I must say so myself...I've broken my tailbone before that fucking sucks -.- couldn't sit you know how gay that is :<
Rythm smells like Cheese