Not really sure, but we'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable

@clan: I have a question. Any of you guys read graphic novels? Can you recommend any long and quality ones?

And if you have no interest in that question(or even if you do), which was the last song that was stuck in your head(in a good way) for the longest time?

P.S: I know we have a music thread, but this is a question about one song and one song only, and that thread is usually reserved for longer posts containing several songs/music videos.
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Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
@clan: I have a question. Any of you guys read graphic novels? Can you recommend any long and quality ones?

I can't recommend you any graphic novels, since I haven't read one in ages.

Originally Posted by lordtiger View Post
And if you have no interest in that question(or even if you do), which was the last song that was stuck in your head(in a good way) for the longest time?

I guess it would be this song:

Stuck in my head for over 2 months (actually still is in my head, but I like the song, eventhough it's not the genre I usually listen to.)

Oh, and this one also have been in my mind for quite a while

Last edited by Pitch; Apr 9, 2013 at 03:06 PM. Reason: added a 2nd song
I also don't read as much as I use to, if I do ever read, it'd be for some sort of school assessment task or something like that. Probably the last Graphic Novel I read was the DeathNote series, not sure which one I was up to, but yeah, they're quite thrilling and makes you want to keep reading, it's also quite easy to read, as are most Graphic Novels.

A song that's been stuck in my head recently;

It's quite distant to what I usually listen to, but a friend linked me to it, and it's one of those songs where you don't generally have to like the genre of the music to favour the one song, it just...sticks with you, know what I mean? xD
Last edited by Lynx; Apr 10, 2013 at 02:13 AM.
Good songs. But they seem weird to me.


I was doing an awesome spar just now. I loved it. So realistic, full of high jumps and tricks.

*Mom resets internet*
The end.

Also, those novels aren't one of my likes.

This song is stuck in my head. Mostly because the lyrics are very meaningful and I can relate to it very well.

Another song that is stuck in my head is...

I really like some of this band's songs. Their name might be familiar to you guys, must be because the song "We Are Young" which I think was the song of the year 2012.

Okay... I just did some research and according to MTV "We Are Young" is only at top 2 and "Call Me Maybe" is at top 1. Which makes me want to die.


*Too much research paper making that I can't resist putting my source O.o
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Here are some of the songs that have been stuck in my head

One of the most chill songs I've ever heard. I have Saints Row: The Third to thank for hearing it.

Now this one I'm not even sure why I like so much. It has a very different feel compared to what I usually listen to, but the lyrics somewhat reflect my position on my relationships with humans(albeit in a much more comical and funky style). I didn't expect to like this one at all at the beginning, yet here it is.

Been listening to this for a while. Stuck in my head for no particular reason

This has been stuck in my head for months. I really enjoy Clawfinger's music largely because their lyrics are extremely good and meaningful, at least to me. Even if you don't enjoy the somewhat heavy and simple guitar riffs, you can look up the lyrics of most of their songs and they beat almost every other band that I know of.

I guess a new topic is in order. Not sure if anyone has asked this before, but who are the people that inspire you? They can be both real people or fictional characters, but I'm interested in who they are and why do they inspire you?
Last edited by lordtiger; Apr 14, 2013 at 01:54 PM.
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What inspires me? Unfortunate animals. Such as one eyes or two legged. They're sad, but encouraging. They inspire me because they're the ones who give you that saying, "Live your life while you get it".

Also. There have been alot of sonic the hedgehog songs I've been interested in.

It's been here since yesterday. It happens alot because it reminds me of the '06 Doctor eggman. Skinnier.
Yes. It says spongebob because spongebob used it. I like it because it's ful of pride. It makes me feel free.
Inspiration. Tough question.
Guess I'd have to say I'm inspired by life itself. If you actually take a look at how complicated it is and how far we've come along it's pretty inspiring. Makes me wonder if there's a limit to how much we can ever accomplish.

As for songs being stuck in my head, I don't have any. I'm clean :V

I think I have too many subscribed threads.
Is 700 too many?
700 my opinon is alot xD
I have only like 2 subscribed thread

What is the point of subscribed threads anyway?

I have no inspiration yet also
I'm ready for my daily dose of cringe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)