i'd say accept him, hes responded to the questions presented with reasonably detailed answers, implying that his attention span is greater than 10 seconds and has better taste and disposition than all the other clans combined.
Worst that can happen is that he leaves after a week and we are no worse off.

@nearly, we do seem to be a fairbit more active than a lot of the other clans around, just saying.
Well, after all the convincing answers, we're welcomed to have you aboard!

Please be aware that we are not that active, but we post around a bit.
We hardly ever go in-game, some of us more then others. Most of us plan a day and have a party in-game once every once and a while, most likely on weekends.

If you can handle these circumstances, please offer your soul to mother. She will be pleased to have another child under her wings.
Last edited by Hacks; Apr 2, 2013 at 09:52 PM.
Originally Posted by Wicked View Post
Why did you keep saying you instead of to

Phone correction system.
auto correct.
just an assumption.
wow that

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Hello my name is tryforce99. I am not the most active player, but I love toribash and need a good clan I can stay for a long time. I am a 7th dan with all decap awards and full cronos. I am a very good artist and marketer. I have looked for good clans that shouldn't mind players that go away or are inactive for a week..
This clan I always looked up too. I am all about water and blue/black colors. My favorite mods include aikido, mushu, and judo. I'm very easy going and like to be a helpful player. So if there is anything else I can do to join, Please ask me and I will try my hardest.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
^ I've met this guy ingame, seems alright but it's your call hacks, final or whoever wants to deal with this.
Originally Posted by tryforce99 View Post
Hello my name is tryforce99. I am not the most active player, but I love toribash and need a good clan I can stay for a long time. I am a 7th dan with all decap awards and full cronos. I am a very good artist and marketer. I have looked for good clans that shouldn't mind players that go away or are inactive for a week..
This clan I always looked up too. I am all about water and blue/black colors. My favorite mods include aikido, mushu, and judo. I'm very easy going and like to be a helpful player. So if there is anything else I can do to join, Please ask me and I will try my hardest.

If atlantic still uses the voting system it used 2 years ago..

Yes from me.

Originally Posted by tryforce99 View Post
I'm very easy going and like to be a helpful player. So if there is anything else I can do to join, Please ask me and I will try my hardest.

Could you do my laundry?
Last edited by NoneName; Apr 23, 2013 at 04:23 PM.