Originally Posted by GraveWolf View Post
name in game : GraveWolf
age : 12
belt : orange (my main belt is blue)
i live on : indonesia, jakarta
favorite mods : wushu, running, judo, aikido.
why i want to join : cause i want many friends, and so can i get the invitation today?? thanks.

and can you help me to join this clan


Accepted, but please work on your grammar.

Originally Posted by kopsumonki View Post
Where do you live?(optional): finland
What belt are you?: blue
Where do you want to improve?: umm... judo
Favorite mods: wushu, aikido
Why do you want to join?: i allways wanted to be in a clan and thats it.

Accepted, but this is a school not a clan. We teach people who are new to Toribash.
Originally Posted by joshuaDA View Post
Age(optional):about to be 13
Where do you live?(optional)arananaque, manila, philippines
What belt are you?:black
Where do you want to improve?:wushu and sparring
Favorite mods:judo,aikido and running
Why do you want to join?:cause i want to improve at some mods and i never joined a clan.some clans rejected me because of my cuase of joining. and i need a friendly clan like you guys.and rex,the person you guys accepted is my friend/classmate i reallt look forward to join BLEU.

Sorry our belt limit is black. Only white to brown are allowed. You could apply to be a teacher though, if you like.
Last edited by SupaLolCat; Feb 19, 2011 at 04:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Where do you live?(optional): boston, Mass
What belt are you?: green
Where do you want to improve?:judo,and every other mod
Favorite mods:judo
Why do you want to join?:i just started and i got no idea about anything except how to throw a kick that about soo i need some help about the whole toribash thing
My Application
Age(optional): 14, turning 15 soon.
Where do you live?(optional): British Columbia, Canada
What belt are you?: 2nd Dan Black Belt
Where do you want to improve?: Judo.
Favorite mods: Wushu, Aikido, and occasionally Judo.
Why do you want to join?: First of all my friend Glulp recommended me, so I thought to my self that this would be a great opportunity to be in a clan i've heard of for a few months now. I also think the community in Bleu is nice, mature, and reasonable because i've met some people from Bleu and they all seem quite rational and generous. I also like the fact of clans, and i've never been in an official clan before, so I thought this would be really cool and a nice chance to meet a lot of new people and make a lot of new friends. I am fairly decent in Toribash and I hope you consider me into your clan, cheers.

P.S. - I am applying for a teacher. I tried to apply for a teacher the proper way but the thread was closed, so i didn't know what to do.
Last edited by 3llismore; Feb 19, 2011 at 10:40 PM. Reason: i realzed the belt limit was black and i was 2nd dan, so instead i wanna apply for a teacher.
The Name Of The Game.
Age(optional): 14
What belt are you?: green
Where do you want to improve?: my akiado and judo as well as overall ability
Favorite mods: running, freerun
Why do you want to join?: to learn moves and to teach moves

Example :
Where do you live?(optional): B.C, Canada
What belt are you?: Blue
Where do you want to improve?: Akido and judo.
Favorite mods: Akido, judo, twinswords.
Why do you want to join?: I want to be part of bleu because i want to improve my akido and judo fighting skills, as well as make some friends.
Originally Posted by 3llismore View Post
Age(optional): 14, turning 15 soon.
Where do you live?(optional): British Columbia, Canada
What belt are you?: 2nd Dan Black Belt
Where do you want to improve?: Judo.
Favorite mods: Wushu, Aikido, and occasionally Judo.
Why do you want to join?: First of all my friend Glulp recommended me, so I thought to my self that this would be a great opportunity to be in a clan i've heard of for a few months now. I also think the community in Bleu is nice, mature, and reasonable because i've met some people from Bleu and they all seem quite rational and generous. I also like the fact of clans, and i've never been in an official clan before, so I thought this would be really cool and a nice chance to meet a lot of new people and make a lot of new friends. I am fairly decent in Toribash and I hope you consider me into your clan, cheers.

P.S. - I am applying for a teacher. I tried to apply for a teacher the proper way but the thread was closed, so i didn't know what to do.

Not my place to accept teachers but looks like a good app to me.

Originally Posted by maximan21 View Post
Age(optional): 14
What belt are you?: green
Where do you want to improve?: my akiado and judo as well as overall ability
Favorite mods: running, freerun
Why do you want to join?: to learn moves and to teach moves

Accepted, confirm that your joining.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do