Calling me a bitch is not going to offend me, why not rub my furry belly instead? And no, i don't dare defy him, i share my opinOnion :3
I like onions. If it helps your current emotional state, do it as much as you like, i'm use to it
Last edited by Rotten; Feb 27, 2014 at 05:18 PM.
I should really find a clan.
Well, from my first opinion, i could say that you people are like a family, waiting for one another. Which is sort of nice
Zapekk, don't love me. The damage i did to you with my feelings about cheese will have to heal on their own
Last edited by Rotten; Feb 27, 2014 at 05:29 PM.
I should really find a clan.
Originally Posted by Hate View Post
Zapekk, don't love me. The damage i did to you with my feelings about cheese will have to heal on their own

What the fuck does that even mean? O_o
I take that as a threat.

Declined. We apologize and good luck for your future travels.
You will become the mighty dragonborn, i promise!

Originally Posted by Zapekk View Post
What the fuck does that even mean? O_o
I take that as a threat.

Declined. We apologize and good luck for your future travels.
You will become the mighty dragonborn, i promise!

What it means, is that i said something wrong, and that some time must go by as we orget it. Also, don't we have to wait for that special person to post their decision? o.0
I should really find a clan.
Once you've been declined, you're declined. The only way around it is if either me or Nomad over-ride the decision and accept you anyways...which isn't going to happen.