Me before I went to play some footy. ;)


Last edited by tsukiomi; Jul 20, 2014 at 08:58 AM.
You're also welcome to love my Replays
Pretty neat. I'm currently working on gaining weight and muscle too. I don't go to the gym though. I don't have the time to connect gym and breakdancing training, and I can only afford one of those things. I mostly do exercises without any equipment. What kind of non-equipment exercises do you do? Do you have a picture before you started exercising? Oh and don't forget about leg day too.
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
Pretty neat. I'm currently working on gaining weight and muscle too. I don't go to the gym though.

Can we has pictures cap'tn?
Originally Posted by Uberis View Post
What kind of non-equipment exercises do you do? Do you have a picture before you started exercising? Oh and don't forget about leg day too.

I don't even do pushups xD I do pullups and abs without equipment
I do have the picture but I'm keeping that shit locked down
You actually opened my mind right now, I won't skip it from now on tnx captn
I don't have good quality pictures. Unfortunately I still look very thin and haven't gained much progress as I'm not as consistent as I wanted to be. I've only gained like 2 kg through summer. I should probably make a schedule or something and a good diet. I'll try being really consistent throughout this year and post a picture then. For now I'll try to make a pic some time later after I exercise (which is tomorrow if I will remember). You'll just see a skinny dude that is all though. I'm self conscious about my body, lol.


I guess I had to deliver. I'm really self conscious and I didn't want to post it but fuck it here it is. It is nothing special really. I only have decent abs that is pretty much it. I'm working on my arms and pecs. I'll probably post a pic when there will be some progress. And sorry about the dirty mirror. Looking at this picture 1 month from now will probably make me cringe. I hope I won't regret this decision.

Also any haircut suggestions? I was thinking on growing them a lot longer but they are hard to maintain. I'm gonna cut them a bit shorter tomorrow as I can look good consistently.
Fuaaaark, you're one shredded braaah!!! I love them abs
But, as you said- work on the mass of the chest and arms, and don't forget back!

"We will all make it, brah" ~zyzz
Like a year ago I had a completely flat chest. There was no sign of muscle at that time. So I guess it is some kind of a progress. Although I'm lazy to keep working out consistently and eating properly.