Originally Posted by SkyRun View Post
Lol thats horrible information kat you can't max out R for ashe until later because I think it requires like lv 6 or maybe two skill points i'm not sure

lold, what i meant is that you prioritise R, meaning you get it whenever its availible
thats a skill order, not a what you get in the first 4 levels order

also, you never max e on kayle, thats a joke, maybe if you build tiamat then yes, but tiamat kayle is pretty much a joke too
Last edited by Kat; Oct 5, 2012 at 01:14 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I'm still butthurt my Dignitas did so bad.
What the fuck Scarra? What the the fuck?
daddy kill the spider
Originally Posted by Noah View Post
I'm still butthurt my Dignitas did so bad.
What the fuck Scarra? What the the fuck?

Yeah me too.

Wasn't just scarra, it was just their retarded strat imo.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Who do you guys prefer? Ap Ezreal or Ad Ezreal? Well, if you get lich bane, and you q, it does tons of damage. Same with w and e. But Ad Ezreal's also op if you have the right build and right amount of cs and kills early.. Hmm..
Originally Posted by Kat View Post
also, you never max e on kayle, thats a joke, maybe if you build tiamat then yes, but tiamat kayle is pretty much a joke too

oi, don't judge my tiamat kayle quadra kill.

yes it was normal, yes it was at level 30 and yes it was draft pick.

3 tiamats, zerker's, zeal and a guinsoo rageblade... come at me brahs.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Who do you guys prefer? Ap Ezreal or Ad Ezreal? Well, if you get lich bane, and you q, it does tons of damage. Same with w and e. But Ad Ezreal's also op if you have the right build and right amount of cs and kills early.. Hmm..

Ad Ez > AP Ez in every situation.

AP Ez is pretty bad (from "powerplayers" pov) however you look at him.

No CC, no pushing/wave clearing potential, pretty bad burst and sustain damage.

Hella fun to play tho (yeah, same applies to AD Ez too). If you only play normals, I don't see any reason why you couldn't play AP Ez, but AD Ez is just so much better & more viable.

End of discussion.

No, were not gonna start this fight again. No. No. Nononoonno! Go back few pages and you'll find the last argument about this.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
Yeah me too.

Wasn't just scarra, it was just their retarded strat imo.

Yeah, I had pretty much forgotten about that support roam because I was so upset with Scarra. That was retarded. I can see it working in less important games where people are less cautious of ganks, but in games as high ranking as those, people rarely get decently ganked often. The dual ganks nearly secure the kill, but if they aren't being caught by a normal gank, they won't be caught by that.

Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Ad Ez > AP Ez in every situation.

AP Ez is pretty bad (from "powerplayers" pov) however you look at him.

No CC, no pushing/wave clearing potential, pretty bad burst and sustain damage.

Hella fun to play tho (yeah, same applies to AD Ez too). If you only play normals, I don't see any reason why you couldn't play AP Ez, but AD Ez is just so much better & more viable.

End of discussion.

No, were not gonna start this fight again. No. No. Nononoonno! Go back few pages and you'll find the last argument about this.

Well said.

Also, fuck Warwick.
Convincing my teammates to choose him with his easy play style.
Said teammates also don't bother ganking bot or top, avoiding pushing a lane for no reason, and don't say a word all game as well as avoiding listening to advice.
Why do white people suck so bad at video games....and academics.
TSM is gone.

And the Azubu Frost people sound funny :3
Last edited by Noah; Oct 6, 2012 at 03:18 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
daddy kill the spider
You max E on Kayle because her only place at the moment is as a situational counterpick top, and it allows her great ranged farm and harass.

This is actually what people do.

That's how you play Kayle.

Her Q is great for the debuff, but you capitalize on that with her autoattacks using E. Her W is a speed boost and very little else.

You main level E, off level Q and take one rank of W at 3, but then save leveling it for when you have to.

I've played Kayle since 2009, and this is how she's best played in 2012.
Pope of BnW[Torigod]Lord of WibblesYouTubeToriblog AdminInterface Artist
(,,゚Д゚) -"Become a fan. DO IT."

Hyperboloids of wondrous Light
Rolling for aye through Space and Time
Harbour those Waves which somehow Might
Play out God's holy pantomime

Also, Gubbin is neat.

Originally Posted by Hamster View Post
You max E on Kayle because her only place at the moment is as a situational counterpick top, and it allows her great ranged farm and harass.

This is actually what people do.

That's how you play Kayle.

Her Q is great for the debuff, but you capitalize on that with her autoattacks using E. Her W is a speed boost and very little else.

You main level E, off level Q and take one rank of W at 3, but then save leveling it for when you have to.

I've played Kayle since 2009, and this is how she's best played in 2012.

Yeah but if you harass with e you push the lane, usually.