Originally Posted by Raven View Post
Main Account Name: Raven.

Current Belt: Purple Belt(Custom)

Clan History:
I am currently in Ultimate, but I was in Soap for a few days and then Cold before I decided to settle down and join Ultimate.

How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best):
I think I am around a 3. Low 3 I have a lot to learn about skill and style.

Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences): I have a solid ground game, if I succeed when countering a lift I usually can win with out any problem. I can usually use good grabs and manipulate them to my advantage.
When playing for fun and not for lifts I feel I can throw and move with good technique.

Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences):
I feel I have a lot to learn and with an organization as structured and organized as this I feel I can really increase my skill. I feel I have a lot of potential to become one of the best at this mod. Another reason I want to join is, I want to play with people who also love playing with out all the lifting and esports.

Replays are coming as I get them. Posted to add time for discussion.

He applied and got accepted by neko, but he never did give us the replays we asked for.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle