Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
What is your opinion towards cybersport and could it ever be more popular then the traditional sports?

I'll give one on this one.
Videogames are growing so fast, like football when it was created. I think for like 10 or 20 years cybersports will confront football head to head, and who knows, maybe Football will be less popular than cybersports next 40 or 30 years.
I say "football" because is the most popular sport, the other traditional sports will be less popular than the two giants such as football and cybersports.
I'M NOT SAYING THE TRADITIONAL SPORTS WILL BE LEFT OUT AND NO MORE USE OF THEM, just less popular. I like handball and basketball too.

Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
Answer pls, im outta ideas
BTW, Goodnight everybody

Come on, why Pewdiepie, is just stupid.
Talk about Dark souls III or some meme thats going on the internet

Y'all bitches taught I would not do nothing more than posting?

The description of the Replay:
Kicks vs Punches, Uke goes for Punches, that makes him more fluid than Me, however he deals less damage. Me goes for Kicks, not that fluid but with great results. Since is not competitive Uke wins on fluidity and shit, while on the real game points Me wins.
Short spar btw.
Attached Files
#Kicks_vs_Punches.rpl (376.8 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Corredor; May 10, 2016 at 07:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
I guess you shold make something interesting and not generic,go search some more tips on web.
about the trick thing: i've played cards on school only one time,so i dont know much about it(i'm 14)
About onsola topic on cybersports: superseba said what i was going to tell
also,when i get hands on pc ill comment about the replay
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I've never cheated and I doubt I will ever, idk its like cheating yourself, the point of tests is being able to tell if you learnt or not so if you cheat you are the only affected one.

Damn upp that way of cheating can be even harder than studying lol, not so efficient. However, it looks interesting, tho my shitty memory would make that barely impossible.

Idk make a tb replays vid science, or try at least idk

ayy nice to see your still kinda active in game seba. I didnt really liked the opener of uke but the rest was quite good, maybe try playing using more your flow, some parts it looked as if you were holding too much, nm to say :v gj

Damn this Sunday I got a sort of flu, right now I am way better but it's still kinda annoying when trying to breath lol.

ahhh havent seen ray and bquad in some pages, are you guys still round there? Anyway, any news guys? I dont really have much to say
Well, that method of cheating might seem to be inefficient, and to some people it is, but most people can learn the technique, which can be used in order to gain a significant advantage in tests, in the same time that it takes to study for a single test. It would be wise for any of you who desire to gain such an advantage to invest your time in developing your own code language, but i know that none of you will.

I plan on writing a treatise on the subject, but i want to make clear that i will not involve my self with your reasons for cheating, but i will provide some here:

Showing off with your great results: This reason is unique in that you only cheat to do this on a test where you also study, for it is almost an axiom that you will never surpass the results of genuine practice with purely cheating.

Skipping study: This is a very common reason, as most tests are relatively simple in nature, yet, a lot of study is needed.

Passing the class: This is the most hardcore reason for cheating, you might not learn anything from cheating, but if you have entered a class in order to learn things, you might as well just not cheat. Cheating is fore the lazy, for the un-gifted, for the regulars who don't have the time or interest to acquire proficiency in language, maths, physics, biology or other typical school subjects.

If you have not noticed it, i'll say it now: The school system across the globe is skewed, grown in, and run by traditionalist bunglers, uncapable of realizing that technology has advanced beyond the noble "pen and paper" that they are so fond of.

An engineer no longer need to memorize all of the trigonometry rules, nor the different "light equations" that deal with the energy carried by light, among other things. For those things are in his computer, which he carries in his pocket. There will always be people who can memorize such things, and they will be the ones leading our society forward, but for the common man, the plebian, the grass root, it is not so simple, you cannot force someone to remember such things if he lacks the brain power.

The world is no longer as it was in the 18 hundreds, we now have the internet, with all of the information to come.

Another reason to cheat instead of doing the test "fairly" is the fact that the job market is in the bucket, it is getting worse by the year. In comming years, unemployment might be as high as 50%, therefore, in order to even have a slight chance of success, one must acquire "degrees" in other subjects than ones main. One should never cheat on a test that they believe to be vital to their interests when it comes to the information it carries.

Still another reason is purely the one of attitude:
"If you keep throwing pointless tests at me, i'll just cheat my way through them."

A man needs to live, not constantly study, especially in those years where he is young, where the tests are as most common, this period should instead be filled with joy, parties, and other things that the youth enjoys, not constant tests, they are deterring to the human experience.

If you want to be good at something, don't study for the tests, instead learn as much as you can in class, and then study when you want, not when there are tests threatening you. Yet another rule is this:

The more interested you are in learning a subject, typically, the more you will study it on your own time.

This statement holds true most of the time, and it's messege is that you tend to not cheat as much in subjects that you enjoy, and those are most likely the ones that you will eventually work with. So in the end, cheating is not as bad as it seems.

So, i tried the top palm today with a signle friend, the result was very good, i did it right under his nose while i passed the deck to him, and he didn't notice. Later i showed him how to do it, for i see my friends as my companions, and i do not see it as moral to cheat my companions. I will never, however show how i acquire advantages to my other classmates, as long as they are not my close friends. One of the greatest feelings in this world is being able to do something very well, especially if that thing increases in value the less people know about it, and knowing that noone else in the room that you are in suspect you of it. I enjoy cheating in all forms, not only cards or tests, but also dice and other games, though, i lack serious education in such other fields of cheating.
Man, am i the only one who's still awake, hm, that's interesting. So......
It would be very embarrassing indeed if someone posted something just as i am writing this one.

I will spark a topic that i am fairly certain has at some point ended in murder:

Coke, for the classy, educated gentleman.
pepsi, for the low-brow, neophytic, moronic, plebianic (is that even a word?), deranged, weak minded, uneducated, unlicked, naive bungler, this drink is so unworthy of my mentioning that i will refrain from using a period at the end of this sentence
Well fuck, i'm bored, let me bore you further with some facts about subterfuge at the card table:

The overhand shuffle controls are the first moves that the student learns, although they are the best way currently ever deviced for the purposes of stocking, culling and controlling cards, they are tough to use. See, when the student has learnt the overhand control system, or atleast the basics of it, he is faced with moving on to the next step, which typically is the "riffle" shuffle. The act of springing the cards of the two packs together on the table, or in the hands. He will soon find out that most people can't do this shuffle without bending, exposing or in other ways breaking at least half the cards while doing it. He will also soon realize, that it is the prevailing method amongst experienced card players, and, if he is to become a professional, he needs to be able to blend in amongst these folk of "higher standing". Viz. he must learn the riffle shuffle.
Eventually it dawns on him that the overhand shuffle becomes all the more rare amongst his fellow players. He starts questioning wether or not it was a wise descission to learn the overhand controls.
This dilemma has plagued many cardmen ever since the "riffle" was invented. The fact that there are many blind riffles and cuts that can be made while the deck in on the table in position for "rifflinf" doesn't improve things.

To this i say:

You NEED to learn the overhand control, it is absolutely irreplaceable when it comes to it's possibillities, the fact that the experienced crowd does not use it too iften will not matter. If you can perform it with grace, you will blend in fine with the "elite" as long as you adopt a professional style, i.e. don't lean back in your chair, don't let the deck leave the table, etc. This makes it look very professional and it can be worked with confidence again, even at the "big guys" table.
If you live in Asia, tough luck, there they use another shuffle, known as the "Hindu-shuffle" which is arguably even more limited than the "riffle". And this shuffle is a part of asian "card culture", so it will be very hard to change this.
It is very important for the novice to learn all kinds of blind shuffles. I, as an example, can do the following blind shuffles:

With the overhand, i can:
Stock up to four cards.
Retain bottom and top stock.
Control the position of a stock.
Cull a few cards.

With the "Hindu-shuffle" i can do, pretty much the only ruse available:
Retaining top stock.

And finally the "riffle":

Retain bottom/top stock, or both.
Limited stocking.
Retain the order of the complete deck.
Glimpse the top card and reserve it at the bottom.

Also, i can do blind faro shuffles, but anyone who can do a legit one, can in fact do a blind one, since the movements are more or less identical.

An unorthodix shuffle that will get you banned from most card rooms is the "Sybil Cut", which is actually a cut, but an advanced one that may pass as a supplement to the standard overhand shuffle. With this one i can retain the top, or bottom stock. One thing that's great about the sybil cut is that it is extremely customizable, almost every single "cardist", not to be confused with "cardman" since they are two different things (look up "cardistry" on wikipedia). Anyway, i am willing to believe that almost every cardist have their own version of this highly flashy move.

I have my own version, that is very discrete, and only modestly flashy as opposed to the original which is extremely flashy. That way, mine are more suited for the card table, and not for street cardistry.

Well, i guess i'll call it a night, i will see you fine gentlemen tomorrow.
Last edited by uppkicker; May 11, 2016 at 12:11 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Well upp, you make the type of posts that I'm scared to read lmao, your posts are long and informative (too informative perhaps soz)

Also lol, the story of pewds lmao.

Very nice replay superbase! Very nice.

Good morning m8s, its 7 am here
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Funny,because here is 20:19/08;19 PM ,gmt -3
And for some motif,im scared as well of upp's post...too big for me :/
Just saw an very nice story,nammed "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man",i recommend reading,very well done(probably you can find in language and clips),made by Fyodor Dostoyevski(yes,he is russian).
Last edited by victortb; May 11, 2016 at 01:25 AM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
Funny,because here is 20:19/08;19 PM ,gmt -3
And for some motif,im scared as well of upp's post...too big for me :/
Just saw an very nice story,nammed "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man",i recommend reading,very well done(probably you can find in language and clips),made by Fyodor Dostoyevski(yes,he is russian).

Yea, it takes some time to finish reading upp's posts. It's scary (lmao upp =D)

Nice story, very nice.

New goddamn vid:

Special: Tube Tycoon ep 10
Last edited by Sc1ence01; May 11, 2016 at 10:47 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Aye russians, interesting ppl. Didnt have time to see the hole vid, but it looks promising, i might watch it tomorrow since today i have to study for biology and 1 hour of pe.
Ill check that vid later science.

Today we left school 2 hours earlier cause some teachers were busy, do u get to leave if ur teacher is not there guys?
Well since I live in the same country as Onsola well my teachers when they are out because something in their lives we get out of school earlier. but If they're busy and they will come later, well we get a break and we get out of our classroom to wait the teacher.

Uppkicker is the type of guy that leaves a short post then later makes you read a testament about something.
Running away...