Im just curious, do you guys have a seperate application thread or do I just post here?
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
Reason 1: That's not a small ban - exploiting 20 million TC.(Did I say it was a small ban?)
Reason 2: You seem to be inactive a lot. Getting kicked out of 2 clans for it.(I LEFT because they were inactive, I was never kicked out of a clan.)
Reason 3: You say you will follow the rules - but being banned already shows that you cannot follow toribash rules. Not so sure about clan rules.(I was wanting to ditch that account. If I wanted to keep it I wouldn't have done it. Just felt like something I should have done at 4-6 AM. .-.)

All in all, I stick with my previous statement as I believe - Once a cheater, always a cheater.(When has that even been true? This is the first and only time I have cheated...on toribash. s: I love this game too much to do cheap stuff and quit. This is a game I'm planning on playing for years.)
If that was so, you would not of exploited 20 million TC. I shouldn't have to justify my reasons more than I already did.

No you didn't say it was a small ban. I was saying it wasn't a small ban. Maybe if it was a small ban you got banned for, then I would change my mind. But I am sticking with my previous reasons.

Also, don't try to talk me out of my reasons. Honestly. It's my choice, not yours.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

TheWolff, yes, you must apply here.
Don't spam up this DSC with posts like those.
PM a leader or co-leader next time.

Quilava, so far you have 2 No's.
1 more and you're rejected.
I wish it was a small ban.I am a poor victim of peer pressure. I know when I do something and I'm going to be for sure going to get banned. I just wanted to get rid of my billion alts and that one main. And it was my choice, and it was the wrong choice.
Originally Posted by quilava View Post
What's your real name? : First or last? First:Nanikaru
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? :Blackbelt.(Look at bans)
How long have you been playing? :Almost a year.
Current Country / GMT? :USA/-5
Former Clans? :Smashed, Zero, Icof, and Shock
Why you left/got Kicked:Smashed(Inactive), Zero(Didn't feel welcome there),Icof (Got banned while In that clan), Shock( my standards)
Any Skills For the Clan? : I will be active. Help out, and donate.
How active are you forum-wise? :In on the forum 1/5 hours I'm in game.
How active are you In-game? : From when I get home, to when I go to sleep. c:
Any Bans? :Beached,(and all my alts, due to IP ban)Beached was a 3rd dan. (reason:Bounty exploiting 20 million tc)
Any Alts? :No.
If you have alts, list them here:
Did anyone refer you?:Cuddle (Zazo)
Will you follow the Rules? ...Of course.
Anything else you'd like to say? I like potatos.

Replays:Not at my best at the moment, bad luck. Plus I had to ship my good computer away for repairs, and now I'm using the one that runs 7fps.

I'm "on the fence"
I would like you to join, and I admire your honesty,
but your inactivity seems a bit high :L
Imma' say yes

One of my minus's is being too honest. x.x

Btw I've managed to reach blackbelt in a week or so. Plus get up to nearly 100 posts.
Last edited by cat; Oct 6, 2012 at 08:51 PM.
Originally Posted by quilava
What's your real name? : First or last? First:Nanikaru
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? :Blackbelt.(Look at bans)
How long have you been playing? :Almost a year.
Current Country / GMT? :USA/-5
Former Clans? :Smashed, Zero, Icof, and Shock
Why you left/got Kicked:Smashed(Inactive), Zero(Didn't feel welcome there),Icof (Got banned while In that clan), Shock( my standards)
Any Skills For the Clan? : I will be active. Help out, and donate.
How active are you forum-wise? :In on the forum 1/5 hours I'm in game.
How active are you In-game? : From when I get home, to when I go to sleep. c:
Any Bans? :Beached,(and all my alts, due to IP ban)Beached was a 3rd dan. (reason:Bounty exploiting 20 million tc)
Any Alts? :No.
If you have alts, list them here:
Did anyone refer you?:Cuddle (Zazo)
Will you follow the Rules? ...Of course.
Anything else you'd like to say? I like potatos.

From what I've heard from Yiffy and my personal experience knowing Quilava/ Beached, i'm going to say yes. Everyone deserves to be trusted.
2 yeses and 2 nos, hmm go go go ethereals! i want him in this clan.

I dont know the guy, but he seems preety cool and isnt an ass kisser, i would say yes, if i was in ethr,