Today I went and looked at dead bodies with my girlfriend, heh, there was a body that was cut into slices so you could see like all the insides layer by layer. Edinburgh has a pretty good med school.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
As like a medical dissection? or just as a fucked up snuff thing? Because if it was for medical research then I really see no reason why it would be bad, as long as her family where okay with it and that it did not go against her death wishes or anything... Also, until fairly recently, like some time in 1900 we still used people that where sentenced to death for medical research, and in a way I think that could be horrible, but yet also kinda good, if they caused harm in society whilst alive, they can be at least be used for something productive and beneficial post-mortem, if that makes any sense at all.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
I'd be up for that if the justice system was flawless ^^ otherwise it would be pretty disrespectful to some :c
That's probably why hey stopped doing it in ~1900, I think it was the introduction of the Anatomy Act of 1832.... Because there was huge issues with med students/teachers getting people to dig up graves of, with no better words to use, peasants. This only really stopped when the Anatomy Act of 1832 was put in place, this was simply to halt the illegal trade in body parts. So that did a fairly good job at stopping illegal trade of body parts, but it did not stop the use of executed inmates as anatomy samples. That only stopped in around 1864, that was also concurrently the last public execution that Edinburgh saw, although private executions within the prison where still fairly frequent due to capital punishment still being in lace for about another century.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
Because there was huge issues with med students/teachers getting people to dig up graves of, with no better words to use, peasants.

Cant forget the good old H.H Holmes and his death castle and the way that he would get rid of some of the skeletons, by giving them to universities for medical studies.
Or the williams Burke and hare
Demand got higher so corpses got fresher, if you get what I mean.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
worst I've seen was the cartel videos and 3 guys one hammer. Not a whole lot shocks/stuns me.

the only thing I can't handle is anything dealing with eyes, like the removal of.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
worst I've seen was the cartel videos and 3 guys one hammer. Not a whole lot shocks/stuns me.

the only thing I can't handle is anything dealing with eyes, like the removal of.


and for some odd reason, people falling from extreme heights. I'm not even afraid of heights but the thought of my legs mashing into the ground or seeing it happen makes my legs go numb