Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Good choice. Nice to see your nickname red for the first time.

I think of it more a brown color. Red would be admin.
So my laptop broke suddenly, on sunday night, or was it saturday night? Anyways forgive me for not being around to help handle the childrens ;3
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Good thing he didn't finish his application or else we would have a clan hopper in Secret :3
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.

Big Jenny

Kinda out-of-proportions, but I worked over 10 hours on this piece, too much, just too much. And it was my first serious architectural drawing.

Bettuh viuuw
Last edited by Metriakon; Oct 20, 2013 at 03:23 AM.
I like :o needs more of a stony feel to it. Right now it is rough but nice. Just advice for future pieces
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Originally Posted by -Oz- View Post
I'm back folks, how yer doing

everyone is fine and busy with uni/school stuff
French Froggy
Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
everyone is fine and busy with uni/school stuff

Yeah, now I gotta do like 6-7 more drawings like that till monday... I mean, with that high quality and that much effort put into it.