Is it bad that i read everything but I dont want to write anything. I think it's counted as inactivity XD
bec use in t rnet
a the e
Yeah, pretty sure I moved you to the inactive rank and moved you back recently.
You should probably post more
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Just used like 45min to read all the posts in "show yourself" thread. best 45min of my life. Btw is there a irc? couldnt find one.
The thread goes back a fair few years and I'm sure we all look a lot different now :o

Also, #claninq is pretty dead, I'm almost always in it but I never talk there. You'll find me in a lot of places in IRC though.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Originally Posted by Tuna View Post
The thread goes back a fair few years and I'm sure we all look a lot different now :o

Also, #claninq is pretty dead, I'm almost always in it but I never talk there. You'll find me in a lot of places in IRC though.

As far as I can tell, IRC doesn't work through my university wifi T-T.
I only come here when I'm crunk.
A university blocking IRC.... wtf... what is the error?
You should try connecting on ports from 6667-6669 see if they've blocked them all, other wise you might have to ask sparky if he will give you an account on his ZNC server, that thing uses port 5000 and I doubt they have blocked that port, if they have though then you're fucked xD
Last edited by Tuna; Sep 22, 2016 at 10:25 PM.
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions
Apparently most universities block it lol...
Kinda wired imo but what ever...
Also VPN's cost money, why spend money when Sparky has a ZNC online, It's why I've been online since the 5th of august...
Aimlessly swimming in circumcisions