What's your real name? : Josh.
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? : 2nd dan. 500 games to 3rd dan.
How long have you been playing? : Since early 2012, so about 1.5 years.
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?: Three of them, lasting from a week to three weeks. I needed a break man.
Current Country / GMT? : Eastern coast of the United states of America. (Yes that means that i applied at 7 am dont judge. XD)
Former Clans? : TFO, Sy, Power.
Why you left/got Kicked: Each one imploded in on itself, collapsing into a singularity.
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) : I spar, But alas i have no skills making art (Which youll see in the MS paint sketch below.)
How active are you forum-wise? : Id give muhself a 7/10
How active are you In-game? : 9/10
Any Bans? : nope
Any recent major infractions?: nada
Any Alts? : forgot the passes
If you have alts, list them here: ^
Did anyone refer you?: Well, I have a few friends in here. Other than that, No.
Will you follow the Rules?: Sure.
[B]Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) :[\B] I've known a few of the members of this clan ever since I was in TFO.
Draw what Ethereal Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop): MS Paint sw4g (Down Below!)
Shit guys, sorry for not posting my age, I am 15.
Attached Images
Hereyago_Mate.jpg (9.1 KB, 7 views)
Attached Files
N.N. This is Where I Belong.rpl (355.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Neverse; Jul 11, 2013 at 01:00 PM.
all is as all should be
What's your real name? :Mohmed.
How old are you? :15
Whats your Current Belt (MINIMUM 2ND DAN)? :2th dan 100 game to 3rd dan
How long have you been playing? :1 year.
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB? :1 break
Current Country / GMT? :morocco +0
Former Clans? :[Army] [Mod] [Raid] [Onyx]
Why you left/got Kicked:[army] got kicked for no reason .[Raid] i left for inactivity.[Mod] i don't remember.[Onyx] got kicked for personal stuff.
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) :I draw Anime and Graffiti.i can post some of my drawings as soon as i got the tools.
How active are you forum-wise? Im not orum active but i am going to be bacause now i have a reason.
How active are you In-game? :So active.
Any Bans? :No.
Any recent major infractions?:No.
Any Alts? :yes
If you have alts, list them here:Wvwvwv I don't use it at all
Did anyone refer you?:matthew17gold.
Will you follow the Rules?:Yes!
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) :First of all Im so sorry for my english (english is the 3rd language in my country).I am going to do my best to reflect the clan is a good way.If any member want my help and i can i will!.I Want to know ALL the members better and become close freinds.I want to join this clan because all the members are nice and it's an active and pro clan.
Draw what Ethereal Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop):I draw a picture in real life i can't post it right now i don't have the tools.I am going to post the replays tomorrow i cauldn't wait any longer to post this app.please don't reject it till tomorrow.