Why not? Because an ally is a friend... and to be a friend, you don't need to be on a list.
Post around and be "active" as ally, and it's fine ;)
Originally Posted by BioEx View Post
Oh, you.. Tom. Anyway, Doxxy, would you mind adding me to the single allies list? This clan seems to have some potencial. I would like to be at least a part of it so yeah, why not request a single ally?
Also, my little brother loves your music.

Aka jusmi.
I'm his little brother.

Going to rape myself.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Pay fish 123 tcs and he will give you a green hat.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
We are getting inactive a tic.
parai com activamento de coutinho decunfiado com estraça que brila enquanto rebolade de carro do pinto do nada
Sorry dudes. Life is life and living it is busy.
Could someone Businessmanify my avatar pl0x?
Maybe give Mr. Skeleton a black and white top hat or something.
I don't care.