i can start one with you,i just need to reinstall it on my new pc.i mastered it on ps3 (having all the best thing and made some castle and shit)

but now its turn to the pc version to be mastered (its fun though i bought terraria on pc before ps3 lel)
no u

So nice that they're giving it out for free for ps+ members. If I had a vita I'd definitely be putting some hours into the portable version. Was a great game that myself and a group of friends played for endless hours.
Indeed I played that game so much that I burned myself out on it. Now I'm just waiting for starbound to improve.
Anime United
Legal necro ftw?

Anyone excited for 1.3? Anyone still play this game? So much new stuff is coming in just a few days... I don't know if I'm ready for this...

Cba to post all of the dozens of spoilers we've had taunting us for over a year here in case you missed them, but here's the official trailer!


and the official release date spoiler!


holy shit there's a thread for this

1.3 hypeeeeeeeee
the amount of characters i've made and turned into endgame are endless
my favorite playstyle is ranged. the chain gun and sniper rifle feel so good especially in pvp.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
holy shit there's a thread for this

1.3 hypeeeeeeeee
the amount of characters i've made and turned into endgame are endless
my favorite playstyle is ranged. the chain gun and sniper rifle feel so good especially in pvp.

I love ranged, but Ive only gotten a mage to endgame because im lazy and enjoy staying well geared. Don't have the chain gun or other top tier weapons for my ranger, apart from a tempest i snagged out of my mages chest XD

I just finished being hyped over Starbound and now Terraria comes again. And when I'm done with Terraria a new Starbound update comes. Help

Looks preeeetty cool though.
we should all play new update together
i'm a fucking noob though and haven't even played 10 hours yet
all i do is dig as deep as possible looking for the red ore shit so i can harvest break through the stone climate where there's face monsters and chimeras
cage the gargoyle