Sorriso try to work on that replay i sent you ...
in case of 5 dm boom and tell me tips how did you get it that i can make it by myself cause it's pretty hard way ;P
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
okay, heres some more

start6: worked on this for 2 hours or so, fast tempo mutilation in a quick time
tried again, for a super long skeet, which i couldn't get either

igotownedbyuke: i may get kicked out of JollyR for this one, LOL

classicownage: showing the noobs who is boss of the kickbox room
Attached Files
start6.rpl (184.6 KB, 6 views)
classicownage.rpl (38.3 KB, 8 views)
igotownedbyuke.rpl (30.1 KB, 10 views)
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
i think that both are editable to get 4 dm ...
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
It is nice, do not listen to Kas. He has developped multiple dm's boomhit tunnelvision syndrome

Simple consistent style, has an elegance to it.
The "ammount" of dm's in a boomhit do not make/break the replay, I think it is not really rating someone's replay to just say you would like to see some more dm's. Focussing on quantity instead of quality. More is not better at all.

There is allot more to replays then just "the most" dm's with one hit.
Someone who has never made an sp replay can probably make a boomhit
after some tweaking. But making a replay look nice and entertaining and maybe original takes allot more experience and creativity.

You also have:
-lesbian scenes
-muppet sex
-menage a trois
-Steven hawkins
-gay porn

But maybe I am just getting carried away now.

A replay does not have to look like all other replays.
In fact I really annoyd by how everyone is trying to make their replays look
exactely like how the general public think it is the best.

To me a replay looks nice when it stands out of the crowd.
And especially if someone really has a unique style.
There are no 4 dm hits or 5 dm hits required for that, sure they can be there
but it is totally unimportant.

Kas I have seen you give "the more dm's advice" about 4 times now? maybe more. Could you maybe post 10 replays with 5 dm boomhits please. 100 dm no hacking. At least that way I feel content with you criticising other people's replays on the count of dm's.

My point being:
If you cant post that ammount I think you should not be saying you want more dm's in the first place.
Or at least give some feedback on the whole replay instead of just the 10% you would like to see better.

I <3 you Kas but I think you gotta try to be constuctive with feedback.

PS: ( just in case ) I hope you read this entire post hippy.
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
Yeah I know, don't worry. Kas says every hit is 4-5 dm worthy so I don't pay that much attention to this. If I could have made 4-5 dm I would have.

A newbie can never make a boomhit, even with luck. Boomhits are very hard to achieve, and making a boom with style and precision is even harder, but it will make the replay look much better. You are right about the creativity and originality part, I do enjoy a lot seeing even replays made for the fun of it like you make them Squiz ( my internet is too slow to view that vid tonight btw).

-gay porn

Hmm it's not like the general public wants them. But I do enjoy making booms and seeing them. I do see your point here, the replaymaking "industry" is streaming towards the boom hits more and more.

hippy's brain will fry if he reads your entire post, you should go easy on him and make a short story for him to read xD
Originally Posted by Squiziph View Post
It is nice, do not listen to Kas. He has developped multiple dm's boomhit tunnelvision syndrome

Simple consistent style, has an elegance to it.
The "ammount" of dm's in a boomhit do not make/break the replay, I think it is not really rating someone's replay to just say you would like to see some more dm's. Focussing on quantity instead of quality. More is not better at all.

There is allot more to replays then just "the most" dm's with one hit.
Someone who has never made an sp replay can probably make a boomhit
after some tweaking. But making a replay look nice and entertaining and maybe original takes allot more experience and creativity.

You also have:
-lesbian scenes
-muppet sex
-menage a trois
-Steven hawkins
-gay porn

But maybe I am just getting carried away now.

A replay does not have to look like all other replays.
In fact I really annoyd by how everyone is trying to make their replays look
exactely like how the general public think it is the best.

To me a replay looks nice when it stands out of the crowd.
And especially if someone really has a unique style.
There are no 4 dm hits or 5 dm hits required for that, sure they can be there
but it is totally unimportant.

Kas I have seen you give "the more dm's advice" about 4 times now? maybe more. Could you maybe post 10 replays with 5 dm boomhits please. 100 dm no hacking. At least that way I feel content with you criticising other people's replays on the count of dm's.

My point being:
If you cant post that ammount I think you should not be saying you want more dm's in the first place.
Or at least give some feedback on the whole replay instead of just the 10% you would like to see better.

I <3 you Kas but I think you gotta try to be constuctive with feedback.

PS: ( just in case ) I hope you read this entire post hippy.

You're right Squiz ...
but he has got quality he should work on quanity than ... both of theese hits had some possibility to do them 4dm
and that counts that's just like wasting an opportunity ...
anyway i just finished my first 5dm boom-hit replay posting it here ;P
Boom !

i know that the second hit is a bit stiff but maybe i will edit it later make it little more relaxed and maybe adding up there one more DM ;p
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
I did ask Tengo to make a 4 dm, he couldn't :P. If you can you can go ahead and do it, I would help me to see how to do it in that situation.

Oh and your link isn't working.
Go for it
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Squiz' sayings match this perfectly.

While your booms were awesome as boom hits, during the whole replay you lacked style, you looked stiff throughout the entire time you weren't throwing a boom hit. I know you had the joints on relax and not hold, but you should have moved them with shift+p so the replay would look more stylish.

The skeet was also pretty nice btw :P. But your entire replay only had 3 awesome moments, and it could have had more.