Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
Yeah, i pretty much agree with you mat, but i have to interject something in your ant hill analogy.

If ants could think barely enough to survive, which, they do then you are right, they would not "see" the road, but if they had the intelligence of say, a cow, they would see the road, though they might not be able to tell it apart from a "natural" structure. However i believe that humans are intelligent enough to see other living things and tell them apart from "natural" structures, i.e. we can tell a giant spaceship apart from a planet.

Of course you might say that "Aliens are too complex for us to understand" or "their structures does not reflect light, so we can't observe them". You might also say that they don't even use mere objects to explore the universe, but perhaps they use some other technology.

These are all valid points, as well as the ones you put forth mat, but i find it very unlikely that there exist such a race of "trancendental" beings. There may be, but i believe that we are all bound by the laws of physics along with chemistry (not alchemy).

My arguments only really holds any water when it comes to our "classical" view of aliens, i.e. as beings that use ships, drones, radio waves, or other easily detectable means of communication and spreading their civilazation.

You may say that i am overestimating human intelligence, but it is currently the highest intelligence we know of.

That being said, i certainly do believe that there is a vastly more advanced alien race somewhere, but i do not believe that there will ever be one so advanced to simply ignore us.

Let me present yet another analogy:

If, on earth, we only found other organisms several kilometers apart, we would most likely examine the majority, especially if they are separated from eachother. This i thing, better represents the universe, where life seems to be more scattered.

This really leaves us with one possibillity:

That this advanced race has noticed us, examined us without our knowledge, and determined that we are not worthy of contact with them. I find this to be unlikely, and infalsifiable, so i cannot refute it. This is the point which to me, is the strongest one for the fermi paradox.

I am sorry for being so scattered but let me once again speak a bit of your ant analogy:

You are correct in that us humans building the road would not care for the ants, but that is either because we don't know that the ants are there, because we don't see them, or because we know how ants act, and we know a lot about them.

The reason for why the earth is different than an ant hill is that we have developed independantly from other planets, we are unique. If course you can make the point that there are infinite planets out there, so some must be the same as earth, but these would be a stupendous distance apart.
Also, you may make the argument of panspermia, to which i say that it too, i find unlikely.

As for us "not being able to comprehend". How would the alien race know that? We know it about ants because we have seen them before, but as i put forth, it is highly unlikely that the aliens have found the same kind of race elsewhere in the universe.
You may say to this that they have found races of similar intelligence and tried to explain it to them, and it had failed, so they simply don't bother with us. If this is true then that must mean that it is too complex for us to understand, in which case i would call it "transcendental" to us.
Since we have a reasonably high level of intelligence, this "transcendental" "road" needs to be so incredibly complex that it borders on something supernatural.

I base our "high intelligence level" on the fact that we have learned to observe the universe, and that we "know that we know that we think", something other species appear to lack.

I don't think that an alien race so advanced as to qualify for the fermi paradox would be all that different from us actually, but you are correct about Carl Sagan's point, but i still believe that we could be able to pick up on certain signals from them.
Also, if they sent the signals directly to us, they wouldn't be ignoring us really, but i get what you are saying, you are saying that if we picked up on signals that they send to eachother, we could not understand them, to that, i really have no counter argument, since i cannot refute such an idea, since there is no proof for or against it.

To me, it is a very real possibillity that the fermi paradox is true, but i find it to be highly unlikely. Simply because we have not observed a single sign that such a civilazation exists, no signals (that we can understand), no material and no real abnormal behavior amongst the other planets and stars, i.e. no orbital fluctuation that cannot be explained, no abnormal light change in the stars.
That's why it's a paradox.. the Drake equation calculates that there must be some intelligent life in space, that's why Fermi observed that we have had no contact with alien life, thus, Fermi paradox.
The zoo hypothosis is also a valid theory, but it too is infalsifiable for now, that doesn't mean that it is wrong, but it just means that i cannot refute it. However, i wonder as our technology evolves, that we will one day meet with our zoo keepers.

To me, a race so advanced to qualify to the fermi paradox would either already have been noticed by us, not noticed us, or be so incredibly complex that it borders to a "god" race.

You've got it all wrong mate, no seriously, you have. The Fermi paradox isn't a theory, you can't exactly believe in it, you know. Regardless, I replied to your comments the best I could but it's 2 AM right now and I have to go to sleep. I'll edit this when I wake up tomorrow.
No need mate, i know it is not really a theory, you are correct when it comes to the paradox being real, but i find it really improbable that there is a ufficiently advanced race to qualify for the "zoo keepers" etc.
I don't really think that we actually disagree, but of course you could reply to to my points if you want to, and i'll see what i can do.

As for the moon thing, i am pretty sure it's legit.
What i am really attacking is the idea that this advanced race exist and is indeed ignoring us.
Last edited by uppkicker; May 6, 2016 at 10:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I guess we should have a topic which interest more ppl from the clan, since it seems as they dont really care bout this...

Soz I didnt post earlier, I was playing some portal 2 with a friend, its a really good game, you guys should play the first and the second. Idk both are quite good and the second has coop so why not giving it a try if you run it, the story is good as well, and the gameplay... lets say unique
hey sorry i haven't been posting. what happened was that well i left my lab-top at my maw maws house. when i posted that my internet was going to go well what happened on that was after i posted that than i went back on it with my phone i had to sine in and it would not let me post at all for some reason. what was up with all the big post btw and i see my bro joined the clan (posiden) "hey scotty lol" well now that u know what happened to me u wont haft to say that i was inactive cuz that was y.

i thank the new topic wold be what is your fav game/game system.

my fav game would be any type of war game like Bo3, bo2. and black ops, and or world at war, ghost, aw, call of duty 4, and that is really it, but my fav system would be the ps4/ps3 that is the only system that i play on but i do have an xbox 1
I kinda dont play much games besides toribash,however i make heavy video edits sometimes(wich take over 3 hours to render RSMB with 60Fps),so, a computer with GTX 780,a good RAM memory and other stuff wold be perfect for me(my actual pc has GeForce 8600)
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Well I play Warframe and Payday 2 quite often. I like shooter games; time in time I play some Hotline Miami or Skyrim, maybe Portal and Half life as well. All of them are really good and fun.

Pc master race, tho it would be nice to have a console for the console exclusive games, sniff sniff. I need to get a better pc too, mybe some day in the future...
what are your specs onsola? :3

Can I be a single ally? (nvm just saw that I was added, thanks goise <3)
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
Welp I have 3 gygas of ram, a nvidia GT 430, an ADM Phenom 9650 quad core all with windows 10 and no idea bout the mother board. Not bad but It could be way better, I dont lag too often but some graphics engines like unreal have a really bitchy performance in my pc :/
WEll you gonna get infracted you can't post about being an ally to us

Serious topic:

Is travelling through time possible?
For me it's not possible because there's paradoxes that blow your mind like:
If you travel to the epoch of your grandad and kill him, when you come back you shoulnd't be alive because you killed your grandad.
Also this one
ONTOLOGICAL PARADOX: Also known as the “Bootstraps Paradox,” an ontological paradox arises when a person or object is sent through time and recovered by another person, whose actions then lead to the original person or object back to the time from when it came in the first place, thus creating an endless loop with no discernible point of origin.
Last edited by Corredor; May 7, 2016 at 01:56 AM.
Running away...
the only game I really play is toribash tbh, but I play minecraft or brawlhalla with bquadz sometimes

PC is best lmao. PS is pretty cool, but PC for lyfe
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)