Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Yes well Wukong is strong and fun to use and Ezreal is also fun to use and also strong with his skill shots and his e like a mini flash.. Well you should really choose it's your choice :P
So which would you guys prefer? An Ap Yi or an Ad Yi?

AP, build him right and deal damage worth half the health on all enemies, and let your team do the rest.... Oooor, let your team start and finish off with a Q, boom shaka, insta triple/quadra.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Solo top Naut is shits and giggles hilarious. Bitch Wukong was like, oh he has less AD than me, I'm going to level 1 fight him. Es in. INSTANTLY AA, ROOT, W, RESET AA, SMACK THE SHIT OUT OF THE MONKEY. I lost a little more than a 10th of my health, he lost over half. Resorts to ganks from the jungle and mid for the rest of the game. Which was pathetic because they did just that at level 4 and I picked up a double, red and blue buff, and got away safe. Rule of thumb, if you're going to fight Naut, come in with more than half health, or I will rape the shit out of you.

Ended the game with 13/1/3 or something like that. Instant surrender at 20.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
when me and oracle duoq ranked...

shit like this happens

just fyi, i was at 0/5 at one time, xin never ganks bot, graves and ap sona poke comp... ay yi yi amazed we won.
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
I think I know why...


Courtesy of me roflstomping his ass in lane. Dumb bitch picks Nasus when he's either against Xin or Naut. Denied his ass so hard it wasn't even funny.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
ive killed my whole team with 1 zilean bomb -.-
i didnt even notice that he attacked me, but then my team explode cus we were all lowlife
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1900 elo now,by almost always playing kata, maybe ill have luck to get to diamond in time.
Last edited by Kat; Sep 25, 2012 at 09:15 PM.
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
People are stupid, that's why. In SF4 terms, it's the Dan scenario. You keep thinking you can't possibly lose to Dan, and you're so determined to not lose to Dan, but you're concentrating too much on not losing to Dan that you lose to Dan. Now replace Dan with Kat and you have an accurate representation of what's going on.

That and she has bullshit ratios.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games