Well science answers to this questions: there is no proporse in life and our existence is a mere coincidence. Lol it might sound a bit pessimist but its that way. This however, should not stop us from doing stuff, there might not be a true objetive but we can set our own.

Idk its a kinda dificult question to answer

BTW my net be back up and running, so now I might stalk a bit you ingame
onsola thats exactly how i believe it is with us beings. you and me think the same are you my twin just kidding but really i was asked and i answred this question the same way you did.

and let me know when you go in-game i tend to lounge around in different lobbies trying to find my brethren on in-game. so i hope i see you in game some onsola i have yet to fight.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

Wow onsola you're an idiot lmao. Learn science before commenting on science please. Life grows when it has the chance to, it WILL be there if it is allowed to. You cannot stop life from sprouting and evolving. I have not met one evolutionist who says that our existence is mere chance. You know what life does? It tricks us into an emotion called love to reproduce. The only REAL, scientific purpose of life is to reproduce, raise your children, and die. And the cycle continues.
Also, victor. Scott (upp) has a, you know, encyclopedia entry type of typing. He types perfectly, and formats his text perfectly. Not too sure about posiden, haha. It's just a huge wall of text.
Also, onsola. Same thing. No emotion. None except 3, I don't know if the third one counts. Happiness, Anger, Logic. That's it. I don't feel guilt, sadness, maybe I feel fear but it's not an actual fear, I'd say paranoia since I'm kind of hyper vigilant. Not really hyper vigilant, but really vigilant nonetheless, I'm always looking behind my back and to my sides, even when I'm alone. I don't know why. Even a little bit of air displacement caused by someone moving can make me paranoid.
Also, the reason I stopped having empathy or being empathetic is what posiden said. I let down my guard around a person and they emotionally hurt me, so yeah. I stopped feeling anything from that day on. It's stupid and ineffective. Logic and reason always triumphs over emotion.
Also, for why we are here, I already answered it in the first paragraph. There's no 'higher meaning' to life. One more question for you posiden. Why do you choose such deep topics?
Last edited by Oxide; May 5, 2016 at 11:51 AM. Reason: onsola is gay 443
Whoa oxide that...i didnt kno that..all this time i was thinking u were just a rude 12 yr

If u want me to that ofc
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Posiden, Uppkicker and Oxide are the guys who want deep topics, like the best students of a school that sit close to the blackboard, answering everything to the teacher. I like this knowledge you have Poside, Upp and Oxide, not joking, keep it up m8 you can be the very best, that no one ever was.

Alright STOP, new topic.

What job do you like to get when you're grown up as an adult? (I know everyone is just 12 years old here).
Well I'm going for Chemist or Scientist, I like talking about it or learning about it.
Last edited by Corredor; May 5, 2016 at 09:54 PM.
Running away...
You mean chemist lol.. an alchemist can be a chemist, but chemists aren't exactly alchemists. You see, alchemists try to make gold out of substances to make their fortune and try to make the elixir of life, which will grant them prolonged life. And chemists, well. You know what chemists do.
I've got it all set, man. I'll study Computer Science as my major, preferably in a good school like IIT (in India) or, my actual dream college, MIT.
By the way... hahaha. I sit at the back of my class passing time. Like, one day I was sitting at the back browsing through a magazine (trust me it wasn't any type of porn) related to cars. Not lying, lmao.
One more thing. This day marks me being in MAU for 8 months. And yesterday, when I was in MAU for 7 months and 29 days, I got in the legend list of MAU because fuck yeah I did shit.
Also my PPD rate is 2.223. So basically 2 posts per day.
Last edited by Oxide; May 5, 2016 at 02:06 PM.
Yeah, i tend to sit in the back as well, i enjoy the quiet setting and i thrive in the feeling of being as far away from the teacher that i can, while still being in class.

As for the job, i don't know, i hope to become a scientist actually, even though it is not the best paying job, i'll "have my ways" to get more money if i need it.

Yeah, an alchemist is not the same thing as a chemist. Though, depending on your definition you might say that the people working with particle accelerators are alchemists, because they can actually "create" gold, among other elements.

Man, i know it's getting incredibly boring for the "uninitiated" but what top palm do you do Onsola? Certain ones are very fast, but fairly easily detectable.
Im in 10th grade and i still dunno wat i have to become...anyway i want a well paying job..i dont think i have a dream job..but my father thinks i should go into the IIT industry..ima stick to ur ass oxide
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
I still can't get over that we met agian, karan, it's such an odd thing, then yet again, the odds are not that bad...
Well Mat how high are the chances that everything is perfectly set up so life starts? I dont see any planets with life out there (tho I am sure that there must be life somewhere else) It has to be just too perfect, the place where the earth is, the conditions in which the planet was and stuff. Ofc life will exists everywhere as long as its possible.

you say I am an idiot but you just repeat what I said in other words
Life grows when it has the chance to, it WILL be there if it is allowed to.


there isnt a true objective, reproduction is just a necesity for life to keep going.

Also logic is not a feeling, at least I dont think so but yeah.

btw I am 16 over here :v and I want to study engeneering, escencially related to planes.