Aaaa such dank memes m8

I can walk with my eyes close, i can eat, i cant drink(lol) idk what else
I have shit toon of photocopies like everyfuckingwhere its kinda untidy and annoying
I jump out of bed at 6:25 during the week, at 8 the saturdays and on sundays i wake up when i feel like, lol.
I usually make quick notes here and there or some note pads but just that
I am really hard on myself, i am eay too exigent and i am not close to what i would like too be, so yh
where me D:

such dank tho

also just out of a random curiosity i decided to see how long ive been in mau, and it just so happens that today is my 1 year aniversary of being in mau :O
add me plz to dank memes

oh also
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
What things can you do with your eyes closed?
What is consistently in your garbage?
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?
Do you write down your ideas?
Do you think you are hard on yourself?

i can actually type with my eyes closed. im typing this sentence with my eyes closed. i actually typed that with my eyes closed please believe
empty boxes of cereal
YES. especially because im sick still so i have like a morning extreme cough and it hurts my throat
no. unless my sister is making me write a song for her than yes. i did that once
yea, mainly because i dont like to say that im good at anything or that i want anything because i dont want to sound like a greedy and selfish bitch
Last edited by BquadZ7550; May 1, 2016 at 05:54 PM.
1 - writte,hear,talk,etc.
2 - filter paper,i make coffe basically every day.
3 - no,its easy to me wake up,but when its related to my brother(the 9yrs one)....,some times he cry because dont want to go to school lmao.
4 - nope,i preffer remembering my ideas and keep them private.
5 - didnt undestard...


brb making a meme 4 u.


Why i am poker face?
Just askin,lol
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592


Nothing much to say.

*Flaming Infinity was deleted since is inactive and starting to die, last post was the 25/02/16

*Edited some grammatic/ortographic errors on the thread.


Also calm, no news for today.

This traumatized me for days

This is a dank meme I'm not even joking

Originally Posted by Gruszex View Post

Lol I'd like to know why I am the FFUU one.
Last edited by Corredor; May 1, 2016 at 06:59 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Running away...
Yay a year of bquad

Thanks for updating seba. Wtf is that vid lol. Stil cant believe that the post count is still over 17, the spam be hard lol.
We could set as a goal to get 20 ppd before this month ends, what do you think? In thirty days we might archieve it.

Idk random question: what is your favourite tb mod?
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
What things can you do with your eyes closed?
What is consistently in your garbage?
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?
Do you write down your ideas?
Do you think you are hard on yourself?

Question 1 : I can write with my eyes closed, walk, badly eat, and easly drink.

Question 2 : Water bottles, something that I do everytime I will play a videogame is take like 2 water bottles and drink them fast asfuck, so... yeah.

Question 3: Yes, it feels that good sleeping that sometimes I want to sleep again.

Question 4 : Yeah, even more if it's something that I know I will do.

Question 5 : I don't think so...

Also, I'm very glad to see you back, Superseba! ^-^
Keep walking
What things can you do with your eyes closed? I dunno..sleep..also i try to walk the stairs up and down with my eyes closed. Listening?
What is consistently in your garbage? Tissue papers*wink*, chocolate wrappers
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning? Heck yea. I have to wake up fr school at 7 and i sleep at 1 am
Do you write down your ideas? Since i only get them when i am about to sllep or in the shower so nah
Do you think you are hard on yourself? Only when i was wondering y i got banned frm posting on vibe. Otherwise nah i aint hard on myself
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Favorite tb mod?
Yeah,i know you all know wich is.


i love the possibility of booms,snap kicks are great and looks like this mod was made for it.
idk,it brings a single player replay making fell to the multiplayer,and its fun
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
if you mean by competitive mods it'd probably be aikido or erthtk, too good lmao

classic is still probably my favorite cuz replay making and stuff lmao
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What can i do with my eyes closed? Well, hehe you know me...
I can shuffle, cut and deal -Wait for it-.........
With one hand.
With my eyes closed.
I can't write or type for shit with eyes closed though.

I don't have a problem waking up, but on school days i really just want to go to sleep after i have woken up(p), so there's that...

Also, i really liked that Reservoir Dogs meme, it was really cool.