there is one for the thighs too, but on the sides. I think it belongs on every texture every side. just a spam set of omega symbols and the word. like graffiti-ish I dunno I'm too tired I'm going to bed early tonight.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
k tom :P

well i'm making a set named ''animalistic arrows'' lol is it good? be honest please this is my first ''decent'' set :'D what price can i sell it?

i just need to make the head (that's Chikenpox's head so i can't sell :P) and the torso !
honestly, it's really good for one of your first sets. If you ever want to work on a set together just let me know, it might be fun!
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
the head is this one lol: and 15k is good? (the price*) now i just need to finish the torso and it's done ii was thiking something like *Starting bid: 15k; Min bid: 2k : autobuy: 30k
does the price is ok?

and tom good idea but i don't have much time for sets D: only on weekends i can make

head spinny:

It should definitely sell for that price... probably could get 25K for it... but I dunno with all the pricing crap. Good job with the head too it fits really well
PigeonHive Flap Buzz