New Application

Name: Dime77
Belt: 2nd Dan
Mods: Aikido,Wushu
Reason for joining: I respect this clan and most of the members(because i don't know some of you :P) I was in this clan once before long ago,plus im pals with Kyou and Clow and i used to be pretty good but im kinda rusty, and I'm pretty easy to get along with.
Last edited by Dime77; Feb 21, 2011 at 10:20 PM.
Originally Posted by Mig33 View Post
Name: Jackyz (call me Jack)
Age: 17
Playercard: 100 post mine once I
get on my pc
Why I want to join: well, quite
recently my clan has fallen apart.
I'm looking for a new clan and C3
has always been on my eye
. I
know alot of the members in C3.

I've got to know them whilst i've
been disciding to join. I'm not
joining because you have just
become offical
. I've kept my eye
on C3 for a while now. I wanted
to choose an active clan, and C3
is veery active.

Why I think you will accept me:
well, why wouldn't you choose
. I'm a very socail person, I can
make friends quickly. I like to buy
art from the forums such as clan
pictures and alsorts. I make some
of my own art at times aswell.

I'm a very technical person, I'm
very smart
and can help with clan
situations. I buy tc alot, I also
donate alot. I'm active on the
forum all the time, aswell as
ingame. I'm very skilled at
toribash, and am able to teach
others my skills. I'm very loyal
and would be in this clan for a
long time

... You HAD to spam the color blue, make your application completely bold, AND spam the enter-key.... Therefore, I'll freaking spam the "size" option.


Apparently, everyone does. Applicants seem to assume that if they SEE one guy who is in C3, they know "alot" of the members of this clan.


No... We have been official for a while now.

You just repeated something that we don't really care about that much. Oh, two things in this little phrase that you mentioned. First, we aren't that active.
Second, Veery =
–noun, plural veer·ies.
a thrush, Catharus fuscescens, common in the eastern and northern U.S., noted for its song

Oh boy.... I have a long list of reasons why I wouldn't accept you to join our clan....

Why the f*ck does the majority of applicants continue to invent new words, such as "nicelike," "tyme," and "socail?"

That... does NOT matter to us.

Very smart people know how to use the English language in the correct manner, and can spell correctly.

So you plan to quit after your version of what would be a "long time," right?

Originally Posted by Dime77 View Post
New Application

Name: Dime77
Belt: 2nd Dan
Mods: Aikido,Wushu
Reason for joining: I respect this clan and most of the members(because i don't know some of you :P) I was in this clan once before long ago,plus im pals with Kyou and Clow and i used to be pretty good but im kinda rusty, and I'm pretty easy to get along with.


Who're you, again?
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
I have no clue who you are.

Over a year, and the majority of your 11 posts were made in this thread within the past few hours, huh?
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]