My name is Shiv, and I am currently living in the United States of America. I'm thirteen, and I think that I'm the only kid in my school who can use good grammar. Right now, I'm living in FL, I came down here from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. My typical Toribash game is just fighting, trying to look good and ripping off as many body parts as physically possible. I usually play games in Judo and Aikido, when I'm not in the default mode. I lost my old account, zabbadabb. So, I continued the whole "Zabb" thing. With Toribash, I have made too many spectacular moves to count. I usually fight using Uke as an opponent, but every once in a while, I start playing online. I have very high hopes for the future, and I think being a part of something like a clan would help me be able to do just that. Please consider having me in the Phantom Clan. Sincerely, Zabbinator
that app looks familiar! dont know why....
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
1. An account since mar 10, and only 366qi. We need online players, not someone that is fascinated in a violent abuse of UKE
2. Not active at forums at all
3. What does this app tell about you? We don't need your address or even to mark out to study English Philology. We need to know WHY should we vote YES.

NO from me. Sorry
Seems interesting, somewhat like AzureMage has said above.
You don't seem to be very active, in any standard area that we, and most clans require you to be active in.

[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
I'm trying to be more active in the forums. I don't only fight Uke, hepimen. And I am also active on the forums. The reason I want to be voted as a yes is because I'm a loyal Toribash player who wants to be part of something against all others. I could be a really great player.