[19:44] <&Marco> put me down as a yes
[19:44] <&Marco> i cba to post

Another yes.
Wait, what
Originally Posted by link1020 View Post
/invade soooooooooo sorry for inading but i am requesting clan allies

P.S. I made this just for you in Paint
Helvetica LT Std
Size 400
Last edited by Stickicide; Dec 24, 2010 at 12:06 AM.
Stickicide: That's some really neat artwork you have going on there.

Link: Hold on there sailor, you can't have the triforce if you haven't even beaten the Water Temple yet
Originally Posted by link1020 View Post
/invade come on i just want to go into ultimate aikido and play with my friends can you just unan it plzi just want to do some things i wasn't trying to make fun of you or anything come on just unban it plz

Korvin Moderated Message:
User was infracted for this post (invading, when asked to leave)

I assume you forgot about this

GODDAMN do you not know what that means

plus for christ sake we've got an allies thread STICKIED ON OUR FRONT PAGE
sorry warcry sorrry i didn't see it.... i'lll jusy go there and uhh leave you'll alone....

Tonakai Moderated Message:
User was banned for this post (Being bad at learning from mistakes)
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 25, 2010 at 04:41 PM.