For Swag Evil;)
NickNames Shadow

Im A black belt:P

im really active in the game and forum like 10/10

I post every day in the forums :-)

I use skype it's shadowcar

im playing for evil because i wanted to join the clan rly much time now

I never been banned im a good kid:P

Favourite mod it has to be abd and sparring!

Skill outside toribash hockey soccer Every sport singing
it was hmm... Gang.

Nah,I dont have any alts

People like mrkamikaz,lamby,reaperos and gambi said im good

I totally agree with the 'Whispering' Evil Code
ShadowCar1 is online now Report Post

I am Evil
I already two weeks, wanted to know what I can do my post again swear I will strive me and asked sorry for my mistake last post I made the very last time I do my post to enter the evil?
No you cannot, you still have trouble written all over you with the other accounts. We don't want any trouble with members being banned.
Hey Guys my name is Pabrwo you can call me Pabs and this is my application to [Evil] and thats because I am Evil

Whats My Belt?
I am a 2nd dan , just got the belt recently about 80 games into 2nd dan black belt.

How Many Times Do I Post On Forums?
I post everyday if there is something to post about but I mostly post 3,4 times a week, Im active everyday about 1-3 hours in game too so its pretty easy to find me in-game and I am about 30 mins or more on forums.

Do you use IRC or Skype?
I have no idea what IRC is but i have skype Im not as active on skype as on forums.

Have I Ever Been Banned?
No never and I never will be banned i hope.

Why are you applying to [Evil]?
I want to Join [Evil] because my friends are members of this clan and i wont be that lonely like in my previous clans also I want to join [Evil] because i was looking for a clan for a while and I think i chose the right one, Why is it the right one you say?
Its the right clan because most members of the clan have similar behaviour\way of thinking as me.

Whats my favourite mod?
I play many mods but Aikido Big Dojo has to be my favourite however, I play other mods such as Taekkyon and Boxshu Mushu(sometimes)

Skills outside of Toribash?
I have two skills outside Toribash 1) Mtb Downhill ,
Maybe some of you guys are familiar of the sport if you are not let me explain, In Downhill you have to go from point A to point B in the quickest time possible, You choose different lines(you imagine the lines) However,
in some events you have to go down a track at the quickest time possible and hit massive stunts(
Like this one.There is only one minus in downhill, the bikes are so expensive my dream bike is called Specialized Demo 8 S-works for only 7 thousand pounds
2) Art (Drawing Mostly)
I am pretty good at are at Drawing to be exact but dont make me a Clan artist im not that good in making textures

What was my last clan i was in?
Skills of toribash their tag is (skillz) my friend xxnemoxx was one of the leader, i weren't Kicked

Any alts?
Yes but I never use and never will because i forgot the password to them but i made the alts before i made this account if you want the names here you go: Doveakeen and BlueOwl.

Any Vouchers?
Yep Oaky is one of them also Shevee and maybe moop I dont know if he remembers when i beat him in tk, No offence to moop he is good he beat me like 4 times before I beat him

Thanks for Your time and i read the whole post check the intro

and yes i agree with the [Evil] code.
Last edited by Pabrwo; Jan 25, 2016 at 07:12 PM.
Click this link to join (Penta) :
You forgot the "I am Evil" and that makes me think you didn't really read our first post...
I'll wait and see what the others think but eh.. the app looks pretty good other then what you forgot... I'll vote yes for now
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."