Manta that was a nice story, but I just don't know who in the name of all that's holy has a bed with wheels? It's like having toilet paper out of sandpaper. Pointless and dumb imo. But must be fun while you know ;). Idek anymore, came back from soccer training, tired af.
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
Originally Posted by Manta View Post
Welcome to story time with Manta.

Ok, so my bed is on wheels right.
Me being the Manta that I am jump on it for no reason what so ever.
To my surprise the fucking bed just shoots out to the middle of the room.
Leaving me with my face buried in my god damn wall.

This has been story time with Manta.
Tune in next week to see what stupid shit I have done.

The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
If only it was a racing car bed D:
Then I would be a cool kid
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Originally Posted by Pill View Post
I sleep in a sleeping bag

i used to do that every night when i was younger there just so comfy
I still take texture requests for usd
when i was about 9 or 10 years old,my house got burned,
after that and for quite some time i was only able to sleep
on the couch,and i would sleep on that couch for years
I'm not even joking my house burned down when i was 9 to
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
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*fist bump*

we are burned buddies then xD

also how did it got fire?
for me,we were going to make some fish for sunday,my parents forgot the fish
in the top of the fridge and during the night the water spilled to the socket,
and the fridge got fire.
Last edited by nikosefs; Oct 14, 2016 at 09:04 AM.
burned buddies for life

Someone kicked a blanket over a heater while they were sleeping
then the blanket caught fire then the house
| Jolly Roger | Aeon | fl0w | Liquor |
| Team NZ & AUS |

| DarkDranz | Kaito | Kratos | Brucia | Chirs | Trice | Tempest | Vitta | Pranit | TheAnimal | Sparky |
| TripStone |
@ Manta & Niko

can I join the burn buddies crew !?!? cuz one time I burnt my finger when i tried to get my hotpocket out of my toaster oven
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