So, to keep up the activity i guess i'll post an other story:

Ok, so this friday was "culture day" at my school, what ever that means...
This meant that instead of lessons, we could just roam around the school and take part in activities that other students had created, like singing, painting, making jam, that stuff. And of course since this is sweden there were at least two or three activities completely dedicated to feminism. Those of us who are not SJW's find this day extremely boring. So, this day i brought poker chips, not real one, because those would be too bulky to bring, instead i brought little plastic pieces of similar shapes, but a lot smaller.

It seems as if most of my frineds are pussies who won't play for money, but i enjoyed playing poker with them anyway, since it was only for fun. All though i will tell you this: If we HAD played for money, i could have been quite a bit richer.

Since i have actually read up on poker strategies, i actually bought a book about poker for about 3 years ago, and i started reading it last week. This gave me a significant advantage and i was stunned by my peers' bad playing style. They simply refused to fold when the odds were against them, which just made me win even more.

Eventually though, we became hungry, and decided that in the next game we would all go All In, so that we could grab something to eat after. There were three of us, so i knew that i only had 1/3 chance of winning. I decided that those were too bad odds for me, so i fell back on my knowledge of card manipulation and with great haste i had provided my self with three kings during the shuffle. So, i won everything and we went to eat.

After that my two friends went home, but i returned to the school, since i wanted to sit at the table and practice various ruses and advantages that one could take with a deck of cards.
An hour or so went by, and then came two of my other friends, soon followed by a third. They saw me sitting in the corner with my card mat layed out on the table, seamingly endlessly shuffling the cards. They came over and sat by the table. So, being me i asked them if they wanted to play a few rounds of poker. They agreed, and i had to explain the game to them, because their knowledge of poker was limited to movies about "Texas Hold Em'". I don't like Hold Em', i much prefer the standard "Draw Poker" which i find much simpler and more fun.
So the game started, i handed out the chips, ten grren and five red to everyone, all three of us who had decided to play, the fourth one, named Al, a close friend of mine knew it was futile playing against me, for he had suffered at the hands of my devious ways.
I made short work of the others, by giving my self obviously superior hands, like four aces, straight flushes, and so on. They quickly realized that they were playing against unbeatable odds, so they instead started enjoying my little "show" of skill. Hence, they are some of my best friends.
I knew full well that i could've beat them fair and square, but i decided not to, i guess it was a combination of laziness and a want to display my talents that mede me cheat to win.

Moral of the story:
1: Don't play cards with Upp.
2: If one can cheat, and win faster, one DOES cheat to win faster.
3: I like showing off.

Last edited by uppkicker; Apr 30, 2016 at 11:47 PM.
Ouh lol, such fare play. Didnt they realize you were cheating? If you win more than 3 times in a row it starts getting suspicious. That culture day seems more like a fare or somethibg. Here we have something similar called science day. Dont let the name fool you, there were a few phisics poaters here and there, a few geography stands and some ppl selling food and coke(not that kind of coke lol).

Welp is anyone else round there? Besidea upp and I. Damn the cursed word mat said did its job, okno.

Welp idk, since today i had to wait for a vuy fromnthe gas company to show up and fix idk what i didnt get the wifi working. Well shiet :/
Idk someone start a topic that interest you, this inactivity tho...
After i got three aces they realized that i was cheating, but they didn't leave, instead they continued playing because they enjoyed seeing my display of skill, and tried to see how i did it, but their eyes were too slow.

Man, i hate gas companies, stay in there bro, i hope you can get your wifi up and running.
ahh onsola ripperino in wifierino

short post again sorry #life

Made Another Toribash video cause I was bored Enjoy!!

Channel - ok
rip wifi onsola, better to just gimme your textures now :P

also nice vid Yoshi,looks really cool, a bit slow though

you haven't really been posting much lately, only videos from what ive seen :/ I think you should try posting more often
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
damn guys, sorry for inactivity lmoao. I think we got at least 10 active members now, but with onsola wife wifi problem..

I have a question; what instruments do you guys play?
Aye Ive been without wifi for a couple of weeka. You know, using all phone's data to get to the forums and open steam to be able to play some skyrim.
I used to play the flute (flauta, too lazy to search for the translation) and the piano. I was better at the piano but I got bores so I quit. Lol, I knew a few classical songs, from mozard and bethoven.
As ray said, you should try to poat more often (idk, no need to post only when u make vids, just get a lil bit on topic)
Nuu ray I still wantz my textz ;-; when i get a full 512 ill give u my 256 okno
Sorry I have been inactive latly just was trying to do my school work lol and thenx oxide it was pritty funny and uper what is up with the big storeys lol
Did statistics again,
Time since March 2, 2015: 425 days
Total number of posts: 7513
Post per day rate:
7513 / 425 = 17.6776471, rounded off to 18 YET AGAIN

5 questions, to up(p) activity:

What things can you do with your eyes closed?
What is consistently in your garbage?
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?
Do you write down your ideas?
Do you think you are hard on yourself?
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
Did statistics again,
Time since March 2, 2015: 425 days
Total number of posts: 7513
Post per day rate:
7513 / 425 = 17.6776471, rounded off to 18 YET AGAIN

5 questions, to up(p) activity:

What things can you do with your eyes closed?
What is consistently in your garbage?
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?
Do you write down your ideas?
Do you think you are hard on yourself?

Yay another stats,

Question 1 : Masturbate of courseI can write with my eyes closed, and what else...
no idea
Question 2 : Ayy lmao?
Question 3 : When it's school I have, but when it's free time I usually don't have
problems with that even if I'll wake up at the same hour as I go to school
Question 4 : U mean wot? Writing down my ideas somewhere? I think yh.
Question 5: Emm don't really know how to interpret this ,,hard on''. Well yeah....


Soz for those who weren't included
Last edited by Gruszex; May 1, 2016 at 11:40 AM.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16