most of the people in our family are dog lovers, so no pictures from me :/
AAAAAAAA stop shitposting guys. also you guys seem to have a habit of not viewing the previous page, there MIGHT have been a long/informative post that could probably save us from the shitposting you have brought. here it is.

Originally Posted by uiri View Post
Oxide i don't know if that was an insult, y do u haft to so that. it is not my folt that i have a learning disability like really man.

and my favorite sport would be football i used to play all the time. like i would play for a team lol
and pam wow y do u fell that way lol

It was not an insult. I was just saying, you don't really have the, you know, 'brains' to get into college. Even the navy requires you to be a high school graduate, and get at least a bachelor's degree.
So yeah.. good luck.
Originally Posted by Pamtastic View Post
i feel Very dissuated from taking part in these topics cause they all include something about school, It just hurts me.

Alright, we don't usually talk about school topics, we talk about other.. weirder stuff. Like uppkicker and I, we used to make really long posts concerning some topics, the fiercest battle was of "are mods really fair?", probably.

So here are questions for all of you:
Anything can be fun if you want it to be: agree or disagree?
What is the most exciting thing you have done on a dare?
How do you like to go crazy and have fun?
What is the best clean joke you have ever heard?

For those who want a serious discussion on a topic:
The internet brings more harm than good. Discuss.

Also, due to the recent rule of not requiring a member list in the DSC (first post), and due to the recent removal of our member list (by me ofc lol, tell me if you think what i did was wrong), discuss about whether member lists should be mandatory or not.
Amything can be fun if you want it to be, yes.

Done on a dare, well, i don't do that stuff, i'm boring.

I do not like to go crazy, i much prefer the silence of my own company, or the small talk of perhaps 4 or 5 others.

Well, i have a clean joke, but it's "racist".

No, the internet certainly has done more good than bad.

Fuck member lists.
Anything can be fun if you want it to be: agree or disagree?
agree,you just need to know how to have fun,and know how thing works.

What is the most exciting thing you have done on a dare?
i never done a dare before :/

How do you like to go crazy and have fun?
home,family,computer > crazyness/"fun"

What is the best clean joke you have ever heard?
i don't really know what you mean by "clean",but i found some,but they are in portuguese,and some of you may not understand,its a "letter/word" joke about alchemy.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
can u just chill ok i am not trying to start any thing but back off, and u don't haft have a bachelor's degree all u haft to is go through ROTC for 4 years so yeah

Anything can be fun if you want it to be: agree or disagree?yes
What is the most exciting thing you have done on a dare? i peed on the neighbor cat lol
How do you like to go crazy and have fun? well play a game with my friend
What is the best clean joke you have ever heard?A few old couples used to get together to talk about life and to have a good time. One day one of the men, Harry, started talking about this fantastic restaurant he went to the other night with his wife. “Really?”, one of the men said, what’s it called? After thinking for a few seconds the Harry said, “what are those good smelling flowers called again?” “Do you mean a rose? the first man questioned. “Yes that’s it,” he exclaimed. Looking over at his wife he said, “Rose what’s that restaurant we went to the other night?”
I guess that if you enjoy it it can be fun, but it really depends on the people rather than the activty.
Most crazy thing i did? Mmm maybe throw a chair and shout to a bunch of guys who were mocking us, damn you could see the fear in their faces when i did that, lol.
I am already crazy so yeah, not much to say here. Whats that? Fun? Never heard that before.
Well thanks to internet you mat are an internation issue so yeah, lol jk. At first it was realy good and now well, it really depends on what do you use it for. I can be like way too useful but at the same time you can fuck things up. It should be used carefully. (Inbe4 hacks Us navy)
Eh we dont need a member list, we all know our ranks and the rest can check the clan thing where ppls ranks are showed
Anything can be fun imo, unless it's like sitting down watching my little pony

I don't really do munch dares, so that's not really for me

I don't really do anything crazy to have fun, I usually just play sports or something. My life is boring

I don't really listen to jokes tbh, so I can't really relate to that

Someone donate tc to me, pls or send me 256x textures
invite me to your clan ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Okay, okay. I'll stop. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend, It just so happens I'm really rude.
Nice joke, by the way lmao

Victortb; What I mean by clean joke, is such a joke that you can tell in front of a kid, family or in polite company. So dark, racist, sexist or dirty jokes (sex jokes) do not count as clean jokes. Something like 'knock knock' probably does, if the punchline is clean as well.

Uppkicker; lol. We can't seem to disagree on many topics, can we? Just introduce something we both understand or have a knowledge of and disagree on. It's hard, but it's possible.

Pam: If you read this and didn't read the last page, then look there because I included questions definitely not involving school.

Onsola; I think we should apply for official now. We have a good post quality, and a very good activity (wow forbidden word, dont slice my neck) in the thread. So what the fuck are you waiting for? You know, when some new people joined in february, like DerpOne, HaHaLOLOL, PlasmaAxel and all those other people, we had good activity but you didn't bother applying. Lmao. So don't let this opportunity get away, man.
also yes i am an escaped federal fugitive and an international threat to security

Wait! I'm not done yet.
Houston, we have a problem.. There is no goddamn rule list, hahaha. Why didn't we notice this before? Start suggesting rules, guys.
Last edited by Oxide; Apr 30, 2016 at 10:47 AM.
Nu ray i won't give you my 256 ;-;

Ahh the rules, I though we had a list of them somewhere. Ill check in the recruitment thread, could almost bet they are there. Anyway, they should be someyhing like:
Be respectful, stay active, obey onsola's reich, let us know if you are going to be i active, keep your posts clean, don't be a dick, etc.

If we keep this activity Ill be applying soon.
Idk any plans for this weekend guys? I will probably stay, maybe finally fix the net and do some homework. Aye such fun.