Originally Posted by Metriakon View Post
Took, to me, by writing that post you lost any kind of chance of getting a higher rank or a leader, tho thats just my opinion, i like my opinions how i like em'

and lol, Th3crazy wants to rejoin again? pfffuu, no way i would say.

Oh and about quake life, Ehm, as i said, i dont really like it, its wayy to fastpaced for me, and my reflexes are as slow as a turtle, i played cod mw3 and i got no kills becase i reacted too early, i like games like battlefield 3 or so, where you can sit down, drink tea, and occasionally shoot someone in the head <3

Something about the way you express yourself makes me want to roundhouse you through the internet.
Originally Posted by Took View Post
Ave i wanna better rank if u love me then make me leader <3

Just, no.

@Chuck Norris-Switch: Watch out, We got a badass over here. :3
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Originally Posted by MrBoXMan View Post
Your very critical, maybe to critical.....
If you want to be a a valued Allie please decrease your posts,
instead of filling them with opinions (witch honestly I think no one cares about), you could just share the important info'.

Like me btw quake live need fast reflexes which trains your brain which at the end becomes good btw any news on ur officialness abdydude is French.
Originally Posted by Abdydude View Post
Like me btw quake live need fast reflexes which trains your brain which at the end becomes good btw any news on ur officialness abdydude is French.

I was talking bout how ethr handles promotions and Met opinion and C&C

No news yet, believe me if we get Official you'll hear about it!
In other news, I tried a Quake Live game with randoms. HOLY SHIT They move so damn fast with like 150 ROCKETS shooting at once. Goodbye game balance, Quake hardly knew ye.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Oh, yeah
Anyone here that is a female vocalist?
cause I'm thinking of a project to do.
something similar to this.

It'd be nice to hear her voice for the first time in a song. <3

New replay, I got bored.
Attached Files
Real - Lost the Lights.rpl (234.5 KB, 7 views)
Originally Posted by D3m0nz View Post
It'd be nice to hear her voice for the first time in a song. <3

I thought of the exact same thing,
its cool how to great minds think alike.

Heh. No. Vocalists. I am not one of them. I cannot sing. I really really cannot sing. Trust me. Sorry. I would love to be able to, but -1- no mic. Or else I would be on skype with you guys all day and night. -2- i cannot sing. or i would be singing in my own songs. I have a friend who can sing though, which is good. she done singing at school for 6 years .

P.S. Sorry about not being skype tonight people. Ill.

P.S.S. I don't really play LoL much anymore. I sold my account. I went to dota2. So if you want me to play with you guys, I would have to make a new account. Also i would probz have to play on US servers as you guys are mostly US. So, I would get around 100ping.
Love you guys. | Soɐd | Kiza | iRookie | Orko | TGS |
Zora | ViperTech

Hey guys... I apoligize for my inactivity! But I wasnt able to get on... My internets been shutdown and the internet company was bieng the DUMBEST. I don't blame you for kicking me. But I didn't even have a chance to warn anybody of the shutdown. I'm sorry I'm not apart of you guys anymore...