Welcome back,cat4hbk
also,upp,you're mr. Englishman,just a little mistake,i writte "where" instead of "were" too
favorite genres: trap,dubstep(not heavy),electronic,violin,slow,rock,classics,and some genres that i dont know name bands like Oasis and Gorillaz.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Favourite music style and artists:
Get ready for some obscure shit:


Caravan Palace
Smokey Joe and The Kid
Rusty Cage

So, yeah, i like E-Swing, i like it a lot, also i like Rusty's music, a lot of his songs anyway, like "All the Fish Will Be Floating", "Spare a Dime" and "Ain't the Man"

Well, well, it looks like i've done bested you all with my "riddle". Onsola came extremely close to getting the solution, but not quite, not quite.

Ok, i mentioned he took out a shiney razor, right? And put it on the table. NOw, if you do this yourself, you'll soon find that you can actually see the faces of the cards being reflected in the blade when you hold the deck over it, with a little practice you can memorize two or three hands.

Simple, right?
Damn i was close. After u said I was close I though he must have seen the reflex in a window or something. Welp close enough. I heard somewhere once "You can put something in ppls field of view and they wont be able to find it" well not like that but close, its a hard translation, more like "The best place to hide something is were everyone can see it" idk, i think its from a detectives novel.

We have quite a variation with the genders, nice. From those artits you two mentioned i just dont know those last 4, lol Idk if thats good or bad
onsola i think the translation your looking for is "the best hiding spot is in plane sight" well i think anyways so what is everyone up to
I'm pretty bored, the topic I have nothing to relate to since I don't listen to music, like at all.

I'm just sitting here doing nothing. It's pretty boring :/
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Make replays,dude.
its something you do at best.
also,i guess we might allow posting replays and cncs here as well,it probably can kinda increase our activity.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
I'm not really in the mood tbh

posting replays can be a bad thing. Although it may increase activity, posting replays might reduce the quality of our posts as well, unless we can only post replays when our post is something that is following the topic, or is good quality

if anyone wants to collab, I'm up for it :P
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ray im in a tourny do you wanna join its rb_greykiddo its already started though
Jeez louise, got first degree burns because i spilled hot tea on my chest. Painful as heck, it's why i was mostly inactive today
Ehh, must hurt. Did you put ice or something to cool it down? Hope your chest is ok now

Just gonna post a replay here to see how the thing victor said goes
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[M] Prototype.rpl (202.6 KB, 3 views)
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