Man, Onsola, you are SO close to the solution, it's not quite what you said, but it's close, if noone has figfured it out in two pages i guess i'll have to tell you guys.
you know, i thought that infraction system was discuntinued? To hell with that system, let's go back with the old one! riooooot
As an Invade, I have to invade.

Lol, uiri reminds me of hamblam... right?
Also, whats wrong with your infraction system?

Nice avatar lust btw
Also guys what can you say:

5 Random FucksFacts episode 1
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Apr 26, 2016 at 01:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
As a moderator i will ban you.

Nah, jk, i can't even do that, but on a serious note, what is wrong with the infraction system?
Originally Posted by uppkicker View Post
what is wrong with the infraction system?

GW copying my question <3 lol. I think infraction systems are important though, just sayin'. It promotes discipline etc etc etc etc etc etc etc (I am not the man who simply copy+pastes "etc", i am the type of man who waste seconds of his life typing multiple "etc")
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
I think it's not so bad but i also think it's about time we get rid of it. I think most of us here are already used to making long ass posts
What? I didn't posted for about 2 pages!

Alright New SuperTopic (get it loolol):
Favorite swear word and variations of it.
It's not that appropiate but fuck it.
My fav swear word is Fuck and I like variations of it:
Go FUCK yoursef, Shut the Fuck Up.

I can't believe this insult exists.
In a page I found this swear word.
axwound - female genitalia
Its funny because is true
Last edited by Corredor; Apr 26, 2016 at 03:43 PM.
Running away...
Well, i have a word that is not really a swear word, but still an insult, actually, i have a few, here they are:

Neophyte. A word that stems from biology and botanics, meaning a newly introduced plant in a population. It is an other way, and a more classy way to to call someone a noob. "You, my good sir, are a neophyte. I picked it up from the one true book, Erdnase.

An other fine word from the fine book written by S.W.E. is "bungler", the word most likely stems from other words like: Bumble, blundering, bulky. Calling some one a bungler means to call them clumbsy, incapable of something, or just generally a term to describe some one who cannot execute a task gracefully.
Exerpt from Erdnase:
"...and such bunglers must learn to handle a deck gracefully before attempting a flight to the higher branches..."

The last word would be "plebians", that too included in S.W.E.'s great work, meaning the grassroots, plebs, peasants, etc.