Ouh well looks like you already met alex. Welp tbs world isnt that big lol.
Hey upp, what if the guy saw his cards by looking into the reflex of the other guys eyes/glasses? Eh? Okno, well maybe, unless sby told him what that guy had.

Ik someday in the far future inwill master the art of writing on a phone. For Gods sake it cant be so haes, lol. I must be the only one having this kind of issue.

Btw uiri, pam, has any of u tried replaymaking? If i remember right you told me that you sparred a bit uiri? Yh i think so. Cause i think that maybenwe should be getting an other clan vid, many members have changed.
Well, I don't have the skill to make fancy moves or spars, I'm still in the process of learning...

In another Topic (It's personal): I've been feeling depressed because not only I'm extremely bored, but my friends keep distancing away from me.
Can you guys suggest any sort of activity to keep me entertained? (Video games are welcome)
This might notnsound as interesting as playing dark souls or sth, but doing sports is actually a good idea. Not only you get on shape but also you can startnthem with your friends and stronger(or however u spell that) your relation ships with them. If taking it up with your friebds is not annoption, well u can always get new ones, okno ), but yeah.

I would suggeat u start with something light, unless you want a challenge. Going to a gym or playing a team sport are good options, i would recomend boxing, but just because i enjoyed it while we practised it with my buddies or handball, which is quite fun if u like fast sports.
well onsola i have like spared like 1 to two time with my bro, but i am not that god nether at parkor. I mean I can run but not very good at it like when i do parkor dream . I can run the first part but win that first jump i can barely make it across and than i don't know now how to get back up and run. so yeah me and u can play and i can show u ok but, u well haft to tell me win u wont to play ok
onsola your not the only one who cant type on a phone the keys seem soooooo small lol im use to my huuuge keyboard so its just like wtf when i get on my phone and try to type anything and it really dont help that my fingers are huuugeee
Shit, shit, shit!
Sadly, all recruits have a habit of spending a minute on their posts, to them I say fuck you
no but seriously here are the posting rules, which have been present for quite a while now.
Simply, if your post is on topic it should not have less than 5 words, and if it is off-topic, then it should not have less than 10 words. I know your posts qualify for that, but we all make better posts than that.
Also, uiri, learn spelling please. alex, learn punctuation please. pam, just make longer posts and you're all good to go