i know
but i call him wrwrwrwrwrwrwr
also, can someone make the voc war server bigger?
I want to get in :3
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Are invaders welcome here? I am interested to see how this clan is doing.

P.S. I think I should be welcomed if you like my avatar.
Yeah, invaders are welcome for sure, anyways, who on the world will not love your avatar? its sexy and kawaiiiiiiii, would rape 11/10.
Hahaha, it was made by ultraBlast. He is good at editing. I would come in-game and play with you guys but I am going to go eat then watch Kill Bill. Volume 2.
If you have an ally list can I be in it?

WrRrRrRr I swear to god I have seen somebody with that same name in game a long time ago.
On the list sir, hmm, i dont know that girls sadly, we will play in future for sure.
Anyways, its better to draw avatar yourself than google image :3

Suki... anime clan huh.
And osu, mrauuu <3
Kind of We are love, friendship, anime, fun and probably the most unproffesional official clan out there. But in a good way, members are all awesome.
I have same thoughts about your nick <#
and it;s possible i had simmiliar account if i'm right
and thats account is almost 2 years thoo
I definitely played with you at some point (All the dirty minded people, you may continue to laugh). Been a long time, lawl