betting, marketing, dueling.
Dueling and betting the fastest but there's a big chance to lose.
Marketing takes a bit of time and you need some know-how.
Yeah ok I am good at duelling but how does betting work. Don't do much on toribash but play wushu, I am really good at the mod. So if it doesn't take your time can you explain the concept of betting
so, k.
I like how our clan bank has quite a bit of tc.
Enough to get official.
Thanks Zac. You have earned your place in my van <3
I knew you could do that.

Anyways, everyone, lets start writing more consistent posts, get better, etc. So we can get official in a more easy way. Losing 50k just like that wouldn't be awsum. not at all. Well, technically, we can lose only 20k, since they give back 30k if we fail. so, k.
let's do it!

you bet by writing this in in-game chat: /bet <amount of tc> <nick>

for example, if I type /bet 40000 Zac, I place a bet of 40k tc on zac.
But there is a twist... kinda. As much as I know, you get the money others bet on the other player. So, if you bet 40000 on zac and someone bets on me just 100 tc, you get all the 100 tc... And I'm not sure about what happens to your 40k... you probably get it back. But it's just unnecessary risk. Unless you need those 100 tc really badly (and if someone is betting besides you).
Because, if someone bets a bigger amount than you, he gets a bigger percent of money from what the losers have bet, etc.
Last edited by Arthur; Jul 8, 2012 at 09:03 PM.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Well, I think we can do that, it's strange that I have to put much more afford in my posts but okay.
the good thing is that you, Arthur, May, Dev and Isolations are taking your time to post and have a proper grammar at all. with my knowledge of English I should stop posting till we get an answer though.
I must say, this more effort into the posting that we shall doing here shall be splendid! What does the rest of our clanmates say about this you gentlemanly people?
Originally Posted by Zyrax View Post
Well, I think we can do that, it's strange that I have to put much more afford in my posts but okay.
the good thing is that you, Arthur, May, Dev and Isolations are taking your time to post and have a proper grammar at all. with my knowledge of English I should stop posting till we get an answer though.

Your grammar is fine, if you're actually trying to make an excuse to post less or go inactive, all you need to do is give us the reason, it can be anything that you deem more important then tb.
Originally Posted by NST69 View Post
I must say, this more effort into the posting that we shall be doing here will be splendid! What does the rest of our clanmates say about this, you awsum people?

1. Grammatical mistake
2. Using "shall" in the same sentence isn't good, but not a mistake
3. Word "gentelmanly" doesn't exist and isn't appropriate.

Oh how I like correcting things.
I'm also quite bored.
Originally Posted by NST69 View Post
Maylene, I am quite sorry for making some grammatical mistakes. Will thou forgive me and my shenanigans?

omgyoumadeacrucuailmistake,youdon'texistformeanymo ar
asdfg, you're starting to type like JDeck lc, me no likes.
Anyhow, making such mistakes is typical for people that don't live in countries which are somehow related to the English language in terms of being the countrys main language.

That is all.